Pulseadio equalizer (again)

Two years ago I had an issue with the Ladspa Pulseaudio equalizer not being enabled at boot. This was fixed by adding “pulseaudio-equalizer enable-config " to the config file in /Home/.config/pulse/default.pa” config file.
Recently had to reinstall due to hardware changes.
In the new installation the …“default.pa” does not exist! Where’d it go?

It never went anywhere - it is where it always was, in:

ls /etc/pulse/
client.conf  daemon.conf  default.pa  system.pa

copy it to your $HOME where you said you did the changes
and make the changes there

or change the system default - your decision

OK. I’ll check that out. But I still dont get it. My laptop has the default.pa in the Home .config file, sure I never put it there.

Use this command to check equalizer configuration

pulseaudio-equalizer status

If response shows: Equalizer configuration status: [disabled]
Use this command to enable configuration

pulseaudio-equalizer enable-config

Terminal response should confirm that equalizer uses system file /etc/pulse/default.pa copied to ~/.config/pulse/default.pa and appends the equalizer configuration

Current operation: saving configuration (enable-config)
Using configuration file '/etc/pulse/default.pa' as source...
Equalizer setting saved (enable-config).

Checking the configuration file with: cat ~/.config/pulse/default.pa should show the equalizer configuration similar to this :

### BEGIN: Equalized audio configuration

### Generated from: pulseaudio-equalizer
load-module module-ladspa-sink sink_name=ladspa_output.mbeq_1197.mbeq sink_master=alsa_output.pci-0000_04_06.0.analog-stereo plugin=mbeq_1197 label=mbeq control=4.8,4.8,3.5,2.5,0.0,-7.0,-14.0,-10.0,-10.0,-8.0,1.0,1.0,5.2,7.7,9.5
set-default-sink ladspa_output.mbeq_1197.mbeq
set-sink-mute alsa_output.pci-0000_04_06.0.analog-stereo 0
### END: Equalized audio configuration

PulseAudio usually only has system configuration file */etc/pulse/default.pa.
But a user can create a customised configuration ~/.config/pulse/default.pa to override system configuration
If pulseaudio-equalizer enable-config command detects a user-created ~/.config/pulse/default.pa file, it should create a backup copy file ~/.config/pulse/default.pa.noeq and appends the equalizer configuration to ~/.config/pulse/default.pa instead of copying system configuration /etc/pulse/default.pa

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