I am using Manjaro Plasma on unstable branch - and ProtonVPN works - as can be seen from above comments - it worked at the time of your original topic and it works now.
Without hands-on it is impossible for me to know - especially when it works on my Manjaro systems and then only general recommendations can be provided.
Your internet connection has nothing to do with your issue.
No matter how I test this issue - I simply cannot reproduce it.
This is from a fully updated as of 2023-06-10T14:45:00Z default Manjaro installation running in a VirtualBox VM - and it proves without a shadow of doubt that whatever issue you have it is local.
Protonvpn is heavily python dependent. If your system is more than a month old, chances are you installed/built proton on python 3.10. And then the upgrade to 3.11 happened and all aur python packages have to be rebuild. As suggested in the post of @tuxdata and in different topics in the announcements and wiki.
p.s. proton works on my system. New install with python 3.11 and xfce.
Відповідь для тих кому просто потрібний стабільний VPN, а не додаток.
В мене була схожа проблема. Я не зрозумів в чому річ. Жодної помилки. А з’єднання або не встановлювалось, або було нестабільним.
Тому я просто зайшов на сайт ProtonVPN і завантажив їх конфігураційний файл для OpenVPN. Там також є конфігурація для WireGuard (але я її не перевіряв). Цей метод працює стабільно.
У випадку з OpenVPN необхідно просто завантажити конфігураційний файл і імпортувати його за допомогою NetworkManager.
Thank you very much. Neat idea, but unfortunately does not work - both at cli and gui version it tells wrong password (i am inserting the long special password as per instructions here - How to manually configure OpenVPN in Linux - Proton VPN Support )
That proves my previous point - that is has nothing to do with Manjaro as operating system.
But if the same hardware - a laptop? - with different operating system exhitibs the same symptoms - then it has to be something hardware related - probably your wifi card.
So please provide some system information - the textual output (no screenshots, no photos, thank you) but the link provided by the following command - inxi is creating some sysinfo and curl sends the output to to ix.io which is a pastebin service