Proton VPN breaks keyring

How would I automate that?

Pretty obvious - I have not programmed for years and am quite new to Manjaro.

Thank you again for your help.

Basically running a bash script. Nothing too hard and in general it not “programming”. Maybe I will take some time and write something up to automate it… I’ll let you know when it is ready for the public.

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It seems that in step 4, I enter the password but then I have to enter it again when using the Network Manager.

Is this expected?

With the CLI, I can add the suffix -f to the command and connect to the fastest network. Is there a good way to automatically check via the Network Manager?

Yeah I came across this issue as well. Solved it at the script. Will update it ASAP.

Meanwhile here is the working script.

Usage: bash /path/to/yourfile.ovpn

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -o errexit
set -o pipefail 

# Enter your VPN login details here so you won't be asked.

# Check if file is provided
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 /path/to/yourfile.ovpn"
    exit 1


# Check if the file exists
if [ ! -f "$OVPN_FILE" ]; then
    echo "File not found!"
    exit 1

# Extract the base name of the file without extension
CONN_NAME=$(basename "$OVPN_FILE" .ovpn)

# Check if the connection already exists
if nmcli connection show | grep -q "$CONN_NAME"; then

    echo "Connection $CONN_NAME already exists. Delete it?"
    echo "y -> yes | n -> no | c -> connect"
    read -p "[y/n/c] > " yn
    case $yn in
        y)  echo "Connection $CONN_NAME is deleted."
            nmcli connection delete $CONN_NAME 
            exit 0                           
        n) exit 0
        c)  if nmcli connection show --active | grep -q "$CONN_NAME"; then
                echo "Connection $CONN_NAME is already active."
                exit 0
                nmcli connection up "$CONN_NAME"
                echo "VPN connection $CONN_NAME has been successfully connected."


    # Import the .ovpn file
    nmcli connection import type openvpn file "$OVPN_FILE"

    # Set username and password
    if [ -z "$VPN_USER" ]; then
        read -p "Enter VPN username: " VPN_USER
    if [ -z "$VPN_PASS" ]; then
        read -sp "Enter VPN password: " VPN_PASS

    # Make the connection available for all users
    nmcli connection modify "$CONN_NAME" connection.permissions ''

    # Modify the connection with the username
    sudo nmcli connection modify "$CONN_NAME" username="$VPN_USER"

    # Create a secrets file for the password
    sudo sed -i "s;\[ipv4\];\[vpn-secrets\]\npassword=$VPN_PASS\n\n\[ipv4\];g" $SECRETS_FILE
    sudo sed -i "s;password-flags=1;password-flags=0;g" $SECRETS_FILE

    # Ensure that sed modified $SECRETS_FILE
    if ! sudo grep -oq "$VPN_PASS" "$SECRETS_FILE"; then
        if ! sudo grep -oq "password-flags=0" "$SECRETS_FILE"; then
        exit 1

    # Ensure the file has the correct permissions
    sudo chmod 600 "$SECRETS_FILE"

    # Restart NetworkManager to apply changes
    sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

    # Connect to the VPN
    nmcli connection up "$CONN_NAME"

    echo "VPN connection $CONN_NAME has been successfully configured and connected."


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Thank you. How do I use it? I filled in the name & password in a text editor and pasted into Terminal but Terminal quit. So I guess that wasn’t how?

Paste it into a text-file. Name it how ever you like. Fo example: Then open the terminal change the working directory to the directory where file exists (cd /path/to/dir/) and then do as I wrote:

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Perfect! Thank you!

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