Problems with update manjaro

Hi there, i’m having problems to update my Manjaro distro; when i try to do it it says:

la rimozione di kpeople interrompe la dipendenza ‘kpeople’ richiesta da kpeoplevcard
:: la rimozione di kcontacts interrompe la dipendenza ‘kcontacts’ richiesta da kpeoplevcard
:: l’installazione di nvidia-utils (545.29.06-1) interrompe la dipendenza ‘nvidia-utils=535.104.05’ richiesta da linux64-nvidia
la rimozione di kpeople interrompe la dipendenza ‘kpeople’ richiesta da kpeoplevcard
:: la rimozione di kcontacts interrompe la dipendenza ‘kcontacts’ richiesta da kpeoplevcard
:: l’installazione di nvidia-utils (545.29.06-1) interrompe la dipendenza ‘nvidia-utils=535.104.05’ richiesta da linux64-nvidia

How can i do? Thanks

First of all, don’t use EOL kernels. Second of all, read the update announcements. Your kpeoplevcard issue has already been covered there. If you can’t do these basic things, perhaps Manjaro is not for you.


To be honest the “Known issues and solutions” post is well hidden in the forum - you used to be able to access it directly over the news page, but since the home page has been revamped…

Hidden ?

It is always the second topic (unstable excl.) in the update announcement.

This might solve part of your issue:

sudo pacman -Sy kpeoplevcard
sudo pacman -Syu
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@ben75 Thanks for the reply. I’m not using an EOL kernel i see, i’m only trying to update my system after months of not starting up and update, so i must update into the latest kernel and then try to update?? and for the “basic things” i’m here to learn :slight_smile:

@soundofthunder thanks i’ll try this!

Linux 6.4 is EOL [End of Life]. You should uninstall it and install a supported kernel.

It’s not only EOL, it’s gone.

$ mhwd-kernel -l

available kernels:
   * linux419
   * linux510
   * linux515
   * linux54
   * linux61
   * linux65
   * linux66
   * linux67
   * linux61-rt
   * linux65-rt
   * linux66-rt

Try linux66

Since no one has been explicit about this …

1 - Ensure a supported kernel is installed. LTSs include 6.1 and 6.6.
2 - Boot into a supported kernel. Double check with uname -a.
3 - Remove unsupported kernel(s) and package(s). sudo mhwd-kernel -r linux64 and/or sudo pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qsq linux64)

Then you can continue with your updates. ex:

sudo pacman -Syuu