Problems with AppImageLauncher

I’m not sure if the appimagelauncher now installed by default ( I haven’t reinstalled the system in a while) it seems to cause problems in the work of modern appimage. Here is an example of this situation:

In case you are stuck with this problem

It hasn’t been in a very long time if it ever was.

Well, then I’ll drop it from the repos most likely. It hasn’t seem much upstream development in years. There have been issues building it quite frequently.

Try Gear Lever as an alternative. It’s available in the AUR as gearlever and as a Flatpak.

Once, apparently long ago it was installed by default, as I found it in my system, another github user also wrote about it, so I decided to put it here. Just in case someone has this problems. Probably the discussion of the unstable branch was not the best place for this message, but I did not came up with another.

I have been using AppImageLauncher (infrequently) for a long time; it still seems to function as expected; from memory, I installed it manually.

Looks like a fair alternative.

I note that gearlever lists 7zip as a dependency, which shows as being available in all branches, but (as I write) is not installable from extra.

I imagine the current update will sort this out; which (as I write) has only just propagated sufficiently to reach this part of the globe.

As expected, it did. :wink:

In fact, gearlever seems more useful than AppImageLauncher; At first glance, I’d like to see this in the official repo’s at some point.

try run witch appimagelauncher:


older AppImages do work, but newer ones generate execv error: No such file or directory error.

appimagelauncher do not support libfuse3 yet and libfuse2 is EoL long time ago. Supposedly this will be fixed in the next release, keeping in mind last one was almost 3 years ago… it might take a while.

Removing appimagelauncher, rebooting and using GearLever was my way forward.

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:heavy_plus_sign: gearlever
:heavy_minus_sign: appimagelauncher


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