Audio level meters show audio playing direct to BW02/BT but not via Remapped BW02/BT
Go to Playback tab and change audio streams to play to Remapped BW02/BT instead of BW02/BT
Audio level meters show audio playing direct to BW02/BT but not via Remapped BW02/BT
Go to Playback tab and change audio streams to play to Remapped BW02/BT instead of BW02/BT
Thanks a lot! Now it seems to work correctly, indeed if I select this virtual device in KDE and turn its volume up or down, it gradually goes up or down on the wireless headset.
My gosh, yes it has been hard to get this working correctly, I hope that in the future the support of bluetooth devices in Linux will improve because I have also had quite a few problems with other bluetooth speakers that I bought…
Once again, thank you very much for your great help and your patience during all these days to guide me in the steps that I had to take. I invite you to a virtual beer
I hope that all this post can be useful to other people in the future…
I found something else in PulseAudio documentation to make the level control ignore decibel values and scale to percentage values
cp /etc/pulse/ ~/.config/pulse/
sed -i 's/udev-detect/udev-detect ignore_dB=1/g' ~/.config/pulse/
systemctl --user restart pulseaudio
Volume levels in pavucontrol Output Devices will now show percentages values only, no decibel values
and BW02/BT output level in PulseAudio should correlate to PCM level in ALSA
Brilliant! I just tried it and now it works completely fine, this is how it should have worked from the beginning!!! Now I can turn the volume down and up from the KDE control panel directly from the BW02/BT device and it works perfectly without having to use any virtual devices, the sound gradually goes up or down! This should come configured like this from the factory in the operating system…
Thank you so much, I would never have done this without your help! You are a crack!
Sorry to come back to this issue, but I have another little problem. Every time I restart the computer, the volume setting in AlsaMixer is lost, so I have to, every time I boot the system, open AlsaMixer and turn the volume of the BW02/BT device up to 100 since it is at 0:
Although when I exit AlsaMixer I execute the following line to save the configuration:
sudo alsactl store BW02BT
It’s supposed to save it, but as I say, when you reboot the system again, the volume settings are lost.
I think it has something to do with the last solution we implemented, since this didn’t happen before.
Do you know why this can happen and how to fix it?
I suggest you delete PulseAudio user settings databases (that may contain old settings with decibel values) and cookie in home folder
rm ~/.config/pulse/*.tdb ~/.config/pulse/cookie
Restart PulseAudio to create new settings files
systemctl --user restart pulseaudio
If level in PulseAudio and ALSA is still shown as 0%
pacmd set-sink-volume alsa_output.usb-Realtek_BW02_BT-00.analog-stereo 65536
amixer --card=BWO2BT sset PCM 127
Noticed your first output device has “Mute Audio” button enabled.
It should be disabled. The other two buttons should be enabled:
Lock channels together and
Set as default
If OP has reset PulseAudio as per post #26, the channel locks will probably be enabled and mute buttons disabled in pavucontrol
Or use this command to check mute state of sinks/sources
pacmd dump | grep mute
If USB headphone output is shown as muted
set-sink-mute alsa_output.usb-Realtek_BW02_BT-00.analog-stereo yes
this command will unmute it
pacmd set-sink-mute alsa_output.usb-Realtek_BW02_BT-00.analog-stereo 0
To check default sink and source
pacmd dump | grep set-default
To set USB headphone output as default sink
pacmd set-default-sink alsa_output.usb-Realtek_BW02_BT-00.analog-stereo
But OP might prefer to set HDMI output as the default sink so audio streams play to HDMI output when it is plugged in and use USB headphones as fallback device when HDMI is unplugged
Aside from the decibel scaling issue, this looks like a good audio device.
The USB dongle isn’t likely to disappear if the wireless connection drops momentarily
Stereo audio to headphones when using microphone (Bluetooth headset mode only supports mono to headphones)
On September 1, an update for the following packages was installed in the system: alsa-card-profiles (version 1:0.3.79-1), pipewire (version 1:0.3.79-1) and pipewire-audio (version 1:0.3.79-1) and it seems that with this update this problem no longer occurs, now when I restart the computer the device volume is correct.
The problem I have now is that if when I boot the system, if the headphones and the USB dongle are turned on, the system properly detects the headphones. But if I boot the system and they are off and I turn them on once the system has already loaded, it does not automatically detect the headphones, I have to run a pulseaudio --k to restart the service and then it detects them correctly.
Do you know how to solve this so that it automatically detects them when they turn on once the system has already loaded?
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