Hi guys, I am new to linux operating system and I have a problem with Manjaro KDE. I have downloaded a theme from the global theme menu and it didn’t really work properly it looked very messy, and after I switched back to the default one this is what it looks like: h t t p s://ibb.co/KDj2mM3
How do I reset to default settings? Thanks
Hmmm you don’t give much information do you?
e.g. I installed the global theme ‘Reversal Global Theme’ etc.
To be honest, after trying a few I think the best is either breath2 or breeze.
Then apply plasma style - I think I installed ‘Breeze with Transparency’
Then choose either Breeze ‘Application Style’ or install Lightly which is a bit tidier… but I prefer to apply the ‘Material’ window decorations (extra options in that one, I can apply my titlebar menu and have it in-line instead of drop-down), Breeze Chameleon icons follow your colour scheme too… so for a quick change it’s easy, we can just apply colour schemes for a ‘new’ desktop.
To do more of a ‘reset’ on plasma settings, we can do a few things.
Timeshift restore a few hours before we started playing (for a ‘complete noob’ or ‘I can’t be bothered messin’ with this’ solution). Obviously Timeshift must include your /home (especially the hidden files).
Use the widget ‘PlasmaConfigSaver’. With a good default desktop you can save one profile ‘Default’ and then apply your theme and save ‘theme1’. To go back to ‘default’ you can load it from the Configsaver.
Create a new user to get a default /home directory and use those to replace stuff in your own /home.