Problem with the login

Hi and welcome to the forum :partying_face: :

Could you share some details about your system so users have an idea what you are working with.

Some info that might be handy, in your specific case this would be the part of the log where lockscreen fails to log you in. As far as I can replicate the behavior the gdm-password should report something along the lines of

pam_unix(gdm-password:auth): authentication failure; etc...

Can you force the behavior, reboot and report the output around the gdm-password service?
The command journalctl --boot=-1 | grep gdm-password should point to the relevant timestamps, if this gives some insight into what is happening you can go from there.

A cause might be a faulty fingerprint reader service, there are some old threads about this. No clue what a solution might be. As a temporary workaround, disable the screensaver/lock function in the settings menu.