Problem with Stockfish on ScidvsPC-hkvc


I installed “scidvspc-hkvc” (it is the recommended version in Manjaro) from snap and from archlinux, the chess motor “Stockfish 16.1” (it is the same as the one on Stockfish oficial web page)

If I am not making some mistake in the path configuration for the Stockfish engine in the GUI … I don’t understand what could be wrong, any suggestions?

Captura de pantalla_2024-03-06_07-55-00

Thank you very much.

I have uninstalled it, it is a fork of scid-vs-pc, it doesn’t seem to work properly.

In case anyone is interested you can download Scid-vs-PC from the original website and compile it, it only gives this problem here in Manjaro (you have to install before: sudo pacman -S tk) that’s all,


That snap package is 3.5 years out of date. And snaps usually require permissions to access the local filesystem afaik (don’t use them myself).

There is an AUR package available - AUR (en) - scid_vs_pc

There is not only this,
but (scroll down) also this.

… but I don’t know what this even is - installing a chess engine is one of my next projects

So: likely what @MrLavender said.



This is the site from where i install this fork, as I said at the beginig of my post, I did it from snap:
