Problem with atlasvpn

I installed atlasvpn following these instructions:

But when I run atlasvpn signin in the terminal, I get the following message:
Unable to fetch required data. Please try again later.

What could be wrong?

Sounds like the package was built/installed fine.
The error itself seems to be a connection problem.

In whatever case - I dont think your issue is relevant to the guide thread.
(Open your own)

atlasvpn-bin exists in the AUR…

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When I was new to Linux, I broke my Mandrake install on a regular basis, by installing Red Hat RPMs (Mandrake being based on then Red hat).

I did learn a lot about reinstalling Mandrake.

I personally don’t recommend installing anything from other systems, no matter how close, or even what conversion tools, like Alien, are available.

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Thanks for your answer,
I’m just new to Manjaro.
How to install atlasvpn-bin from AUR?

Thank you very much, I’ll take your advice into consideration, but I’ve used atlasvpn in Linux Mint and would like to use it in Manjaro.

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Thanks to all!
I installed atlasvpn-bin from AUR.
Its Ok.

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