I noticed only today, while going to exporting a video on Shotcut video editor:
The exporting failed with the following message:
mlt_repository_init: failed to dlopen /usr/lib/mlt/libmltrtaudio.so
is owned by MLT (6.22.1-4) which coming from Official Repository; maybe MLT need to be rebuilted?
The previous version of MLT (6.22.1-3) didn’t gave this error.
EDIT: As I installed rtaudio (which provides librtaudio.so.6) the mentioned error went away, but now there is another error:
“/usr/lib/ladspa/ladspa-rubberband.cat: invalid ELF header”; such fille is owned by rubberband 1.9-1.
While I was searching for a solution, firtsly I tried to replace mlt from community repo to AUR, but the problem was still there; then I downloaded a new release of Shotcut from the official repo: v20.11.28 Releases · mltframework/shotcut · GitHub
And all errors went away.