Printer installation error "filter failed"

Hello, its an old and not yet ending point.
But here are new circumstances. Some weeks ago I installed manjaro Plasma. For the excisiting printer canon imagerunner AD C5535i I could install last time from AUR the package canon-cque. Everything workes fine.
My yesterdays installation of manjaro plasma and canon-cque failed, The reason during installation - not being able to connect:

Fehler beim Download von
    Breche ab...
Fehler beim Erstellen von canon-cque

Therefore the printer installation worked with the ppd.
But when printing a test the error message shows “filter failed”
Here is a part of /var/log/cups/errorlogs

... Starting process \"renderer\" (generation 2)
D [28/Apr/2023:17:25:50 +0200] [Job 7] JCL: \033%-12345X@PJL
D [28/Apr/2023:17:25:50 +0200] [Job 7] <job data> 
D [28/Apr/2023:17:25:50 +0200] [Job 7] /bin/bash: Zeile 1: sicgsfilter: Kommando nicht gefunden.
D [28/Apr/2023:17:25:50 +0200] [Job 7] renderer exited with status 127
D [28/Apr/2023:17:25:50 +0200] [Job 7] Process is dying with \"Encountered error Broken pipe during fwrite\", exit stat 1
D [28/Apr/2023:17:25:50 +0200] [Job 7] Cleaning up...
D [28/Apr/2023:17:25:50 +0200] [Job 7] Killing pdf-to-ps
D [28/Apr/2023:17:25:50 +0200] [Job 7] PID 3047 (gs) was terminated normally with signal 0!

I think its a problem of cups but I cannot repair it.