Printer Install, Simple and successful! Brother HL-3170CDW Network printer

With help from @linux4all and @A4orce84, I simply entered the following terminal commands:

sudo pacman -S system-config-printer

pamac install manjaro-printer

sudo systemctl enable --now cups.service

sudo systemctl enable --now cups.socket

sudo systemctl enable --now cups.path

pamac install avahi

sudo systemctl enable --now avahi-daemon.service

lpadmin -p HL-3170CDW

lpadmin -p HL-3170CDW -E -v ipp:// -m everywhere

My printer is listed as: HL-3170CDW, Model HL-3170CDW series - IPP Everywhere
Print options include printing in Grayscale or Color, plus doulble-sided printing.

I think the single command “lpadmin -p HL-3170CDW” may have been unnecesary. is the LAN ip of my printer.


Thanks for trying to help, but see all below after doing what you told me to do it just made no difference at all.

[smoky@Stu-Jo ~]$ sudo pacman -S system-printer
[sudo] password for smoky:
error: target not found: system-printer
[smoky@Stu-Jo ~]$ pamac install manjaro-printer
Warning: manjaro-printer-20200215-2 is up to date – skipping
Nothing to do.
Transaction successfully finished.
[smoky@Stu-Jo ~]$ sudo systemctl enable --now cups.service
[smoky@Stu-Jo ~]$ sudo systemctl enable --now cups.socket
[smoky@Stu-Jo ~]$ sudo systemctl enable --now cups.path
[smoky@Stu-Jo ~]$ pamac install avahi
Warning: avahi-0.8+22+gfd482a7-3 is up to date – skipping
Nothing to do.
Transaction successfully finished.
[smoky@Stu-Jo ~]$ sudo systemctl enable --now avahi-daemon.service
[smoky@Stu-Jo ~]$ lpadmin -p HL-3748CDW
[smoky@Stu-Jo ~]$ lpadmin -p HL-3745CDW -E -v ipp:// -m everywhere
[smoky@Stu-Jo ~]$

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I have spent hours and hours trying to sort out printing my new Brother DCP-J1200W, your solution fixed it in 2 minutes!

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Wow! Thank god for your help!

I got the printer’s LAN (local area network) ip from the printer itself. Your network printer’s ip is probably different.

Is only a gtk application for configuration and a status icon.
Its nice for some - but not required if you are going to manually configure the printer as you do in the final steps.

sudo is not required here.

You should enable the socket only.

avahi is a dependency of of cups which is a dependency of manjaro-printer.


Revised steps (also using pacman because it is more reliable);

sudo pacman -Syu manjaro-printer system-config-printer
systemctl enable --now cups.socket
systemctl enable --now avahi-daemon.service
lpadmin -p $PRINTER_NAME -E -v ipp://$PRINTER_IP_ADDRESS/ipp/print -m everywhere
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You need to find the LAN (Local Area Network) address specific to your networked printer. I switched out my router and this particular command changed to:
lpadmin -p HL-3745CDW -E -v ipp:// -m everywhere

For some unknown reason I had to enter the following command twice before my network printer worked in my new install of Manjaro Plasma KDE:
systemctl enable --now avahi-daemon.service

I very much appreciate @cscs comments and concise solution, allowing for your specific parameters within the ‘lpadmin’ command line. I’ve marked that as the solution.

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