Plugins in AppImage

Is it possible to integrate plugins into an AppImage?
My request is to use the two plugins in Kdenlive: Steve Harris’ SWH Plugins, TAP Plugins.

I have already asked in the forum at Kdenlive, unfortunately no answer.
If this request does not belong to Manjaro, I would also remove it again.

I did find this on the KDE Forums:

If you use the appimage, that will use the plugins comming with the appimage.
But in the settings you can select extra other directories to also load to be used. So extra own plugins (which need to correspondent with kdenlive. ladspa f.i. does).

Hope this helps!

Hello @BG405
Thanks for the info. I probably should have gone straight to KDE, but the post is almost devoid of info.
I’m already one step further:
./kdenlive-24.08.2-x86_64.AppImage –appimage-extract

All files including the directory structure of the AppImage file are now unpacked in the squashfs-root directory.
If I now insert a change there, how can I pack this squashfs-root back again? Do you have any ideas?

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Unfortunately I’m not familiar with AppImage (or any other containerized format) at present. Hopefully someone who is will see this thread?

I’m not sure that re-packing is needed; surely there is a way to just add the directories within Kdenlive itself? I will look into this. I’ve done similar with GIMP in the past, but this is the repo version.

Any particular reason to use the AppImage version?

KDEnlive isn’t launching on this system so I need to investigate that too!

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Yes, unfortunately there are serious reasons to use the AppImage. For a good three months now, Kdenlive, as you can install it from Manjaro, has been buggy. The AppImage is the best that Kdelive has to offer. Unfortunately, it lacks the audio tools that are available as plugins. flatpak is also good, but the current version still has a bug, but it has all these plugins.

Fantastic, you can start this sqashfs-root directly!!! Just have to check if the copied filters are accepted.

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Luckily I understand enough German to (mostly) interpret that addition! :wink: But indeed, Ja.

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Sorry, have to translate everything with deepL, just forgot.

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Even greater joy. It works, I look for the missing plugins (e.g. and copy it to the right place: /squashfs-root/usr/lib/ladspa/
And it really works! Long live Linux!!!


Oh, if someone still knows how to compress the squashfs-root (787.9 MiB) again, that wouldn’t be bad.
The original is only 241.6 MiB.

Here is the perfect solution:

You have to install the appimagetool and then go to the folder where the this squashfs-root is locatet and then enter into the terminal:

appimagetool squashfs-root

It’s very simple and works perfectly!

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