PlayStation (PS5) Controller LED control?

Hey o/
So I’me gaming with my PS5 controller and it all seems to work great out of the box.

Except that I can’t find a way to control the LEDs outside of Steam. Steam seems to be able to control it when playing Steam games through their UI, but whenever I play anything that isn’t Steam controlled (for example Final Fantasy 14 via Lutris) it seems to either just turn off all the lights or go to the default lighting.

Is there any software out there for base Linux/Manjaro to manage those lights?
Whatever I tried to Google just gave me a mountain of unrelated things, mostly for Windows.


OpenRGB seems to be the most likely candidate. More information can be found via these links:

Installable on Manjaro:

  • OpenRGB Flatpack - via Pamac (if configured for Flatpak)
  • openrgb-bin from AUR - via Pamac (if configured for AUR)

I hope this is helpful. Cheers.

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Thank you! That did the trick. Installed the Flatpak version and that gave me complete control over the lighting. Very much appreciate it!

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