31 August 2021 18:40
hard restart required
Please read this:
Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
This tutorial was created because people are using a hard power off during freezes, so this will teach you how to turn off your computer when everything is frozen using softer means.
So whenever you see someone saying they had to “Power Off” or “Hard Reset” their system without doing a REISUB, please send them here!
If you’re reading this in response to a question, please click the green link above this text to bring you to the full unabridged text of the tutorial…
Please read this:
Difficulty: ☆☆☆☆☆
Remember when you installed your very first Windows, added bells and whistles and then couldn’t see the wood for the trees any more and had to re-install?
Well, you’re in the same situation now: You’re a N00b again! Embrace it!
I know right now you’re thinking:
Why is this so much more difficult than Windows? [image]
Whereas in 6 months time, you’ll be like:
Why can't I make Windows jump through fiery hoops like I do with Linux??? <a class="lightbox&qu…
Especially the What’s this upstream/downstream business as the answer is: it needs to be fixed in KDE and if it was fixed recently, the next update will incorporate the change .
In that case, read the rest of the N00b guide too! (at least the sections you’re not aware of)