Plasma6 and Input-Remapper

Input-Remapper (git) no longer functions after update to Plasma6.

Its an AUR (and git) package.

Did you rebuild it?

I started down that route, but could no longer find the ‘git’ package. Will check again later. Unless there is a better alternative. Mouse is a Lenovo affair with side buttons that (by default) control volume!! Its a nice thing to use, wouldnt want to replace at the moment.

Maybe you are not referring to the AUR?

Its the only package of that name there.

It’s not Input-Remapper-git but input-remapper-git:

True. But due to … humanity … the arch web index discounts case.



It no longer appears in the software manager! :frowning:

Try the CLI then:

pamac build input-remapper-git

“target not found” :frowning:

It is still there for me.

> yay -Ss input-remapper-git
aur/input-remapper-git 2.0.1.r0.ga012746a-1 (+30 0.60)
    A tool to change and program the mapping of your input device buttons.

This is doubly weird, despite AUR being enabled in Prefs. it doesnt show up anywhere in Software manager?

It’s definitely there:

pamac build input-remapper-git                                                                 ✔ 
Checking input-remapper-git dependencies...
Resolving dependencies...
Checking inter-conflicts...

To install (2):
  python-pydbus       0.6.0-11              (Required By: input-remapper-git)  extra  37.8 kB
  python-evdev        1.7.0-3               (Required By: input-remapper-git)  extra  67.2 kB
To build (1):
  input-remapper-git  2.0.1.r0.ga012746a-1                                     AUR

Total download size: 105.0 kB
Total installed size: 494.0 kB

Edit build files : [e] 
Apply transaction ? [e/y/N]

You might need to refresh your databases via the Pamac GUI:

Also, make sure that AUR Support is enabled in the “Third Party” section of Pamac’s preferences.


pamac build --force-refreh input-remapper-git

So strange, AUR has appeared once I selected YAY for install. Input remapper is now in place.
Appreciate the speedy help.
I really do not understand why the AUR repo wasnt showing before. It WAS enabled etc. and Repo’s updated etc.