Plasma 6 experience

One of the reasons I stopped using that several years ago was the piss-poor performance as compared most other distributions.

I started my Linux journey back in time with SuSE

  • late 90’ies as a recall
  • back then it was yast
  • which as i recall still it the goto package manager
  • then it went under the Novell umbrella
  • I have tested tumbleweed - not impressive
  • if one wants a system with commercial support - Red Hat is still the place to go
  • that is an opinion
  • I use Arch btw - blaaa

And should someone be interested - I offer commercial support for Manjaro - including a customized local mirror setup.

I liked Yast. I tried TW for a solid month and didn’t much care for it (I don’t recall why, specifically) so stuck with Leap for a year or so; spat the dummy over something (probably the performance) and moved to CentOS. I liked CentOS despite the Gnomification; probably due to the sensible decisions made at the time.

Works a treat. :+1:

Plasma 6 - nightmare experience for me. Super-buggy. On my wife’s PC it broke down mechanism of desktop Icons - now only raster ones work properly - SVG don’t work at all (if I choose any Icon themes including Breeze almost all icons disappears).
Latte-Dock don’t work, Plasma panels flying around as they want (they can be at center or at the corner after boot), desktop freezes sometimes (you can’t choose any items on it for some time). In one of the profiles, all notifications appear right in the center of the desktop and can’t be moved away. Wayland don’t work properly (buggy as hell - useless), and I know it’s because Wayland and proprietary Nvidia drivers are incompatible, but I can’t stop using it, so I stick with X11 for now.

I don’t understand developers which don’t test upgrade from previous systems and configurations. Just finish code, test on clean system with literally default configuration and send to prod.

I have 2 PC with Manjaro and one laptop with Neon they all upgraded to Plasma 6 and I hate it. I even think of switching DE now. And I’m on Linux since 2003 - for twenty years now. I see hell.

KDE: Configuration Related

You should probably have read the respective update announcement, and most of the issues you describe might have been avoided.

This is the relevant note from the Stable Update 2024-05-13 Announcement, originally: If you use KDE you better logout of your session and do the update via Pacman or Pamac in tty.

Search the forum (you did that, right?) and you’ll find many examples of others not taking the necessary precautions; and additionally, a few ways to recover from the situation. See the link at the top of this post for a general procedure.

Latte Dock is not supported in Plasma 6. I used it myself for a while; sad to see it go; that’s life, move on.



Based on your information you have skipped the basics.
For example - lattedock is not compatible with plasma 6.
You should clear configs, cache, and remove all deprecated widgets, etc.


And surely the slowness problem is due to high resource consumption, and it is most likely that baloo6 has not been disabled.

I do upgrade from tty. Bug with broken SVG-icons is not related to user configurations. I wiped out all configs on one of the user profiles (removed .local and .config folders completely) with no effect at all.
When I transited from KDE4 to KDE5 it was smooth, but this time it’s hell.
Also, I don’t know why do it try to switch to Wayland by default which is unusable with Nvidia (it’s flickering on some applications, XWayland works awful and almost all my wine apps which depends on 3D don’t work and have no workaround). And it was the only positive movement which was advertised for upgrading to Plasma 6.
Now I can’t find anything which works better on Plasma 6.

It’s generally the safest.

Have you created a new User? Try that (on both machines) and compare the results. If something works as expected in a new User account, but not in the existing account, then the problem is with your general configuration in the existing account.

Using the X11 session is still available, so no need to deal with the nvidia/wayland compatibility problems right now. Personally I’m waiting the explicit sync functionality which should arrive in Plasma 6.1 and in the nvidia driver so nvidia/wayland will work together much better.

I only use SVG icon themes.
And they work.
So despite your insistence … it is a problem local to you.
Are you sure your icon theme is complete and functional and up to date?

Actually - thats the upstream default for plasma.
But manjaro patched this to do the opposite.
So again there is something different about your setup for some reason.

The calculator does not work well.

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Could you perhaps expand on that sufficiently to indicate just what the issue with the calculator appears to be? :slight_smile:

for example if you try to use the reziproke-function
4242 ^-1
and try to multiply the result with a second value
it results in an input error. this was working before but with the last update the Kcalc is simply broken.

Another one for the list, I suppose…

At least there are plenty of alternatives in the meantime; for example:

sudo pacman -S kalk

Plus a few (in AUR); Kalker; Numbat; Genius.

The following calculation does not work:
100.000 € (1+0,035 * 158 / 365) gives “Ein.gabefehler” = input error.

Up to now I updated 4 systems:

  • asus vivobook with ryzen: some minor problems due to update from active kde session. The following problems I reported on another thread were caused by some not-up-to-date supporting scripts for the flip-over display and the numpad simulation on the trackpad. Jetbrains Toolbox used to consume on CPU Core but that’s also fixed. Now running without problems with Plasma6 and wayland.

  • very old asus i5 Notebook: no problems at all, now on Plasma6 with wayland

  • zotac zbox ci-642nano: no problems at all, now on Plasma6 with wayland

  • Main Work-Desktop, Dell XPS8900 i7 + Nvidia RTX A4000, dual display with one in landscape and one in portrait mode: no problems at all, now running on Plasma6 with X11

As I like the window effects I’ve set quite a few of them on and don’t notice any slowdown.

The sound volume is reduced with any cause to 81 %.

KCalc input error is because it doesn’t chain results any more. E.g. 9, =, x, 9, = → Input error

That was an unbelievably stupid change, to make it behave like no other calculator in the world ever, you do wonder what some of these devs are smoking. It looks like it is getting fixed though.