Plasma 5.24.0 is buggy in my heavy modified and personalized desktop

It only works on my regular user. On test, vanilla user, the new overview is applied. This means, the cause is in the configs. However, I already tried to disable kwin, plasma, kde, various related configs - nothing helped. I deleted cache - still nothing. At the moment, I just can’t get the new overview.

It would be good to find the config and send it to KDE, so they would figure out why it overwrites the new effect. I already submitted a bug for it.

On the other hand, when I tried the new overview, I was a bit disappointed. There are no settings (like in the old one) and the focus immediately jumps to search box, which causes any shortcuts to not work, because they are recognized as a normal text within search box. So I can’t just jump in with my shortcut to new overview and close it with the same shortcut. For many it will be probably a non issue, because overview is a mean to choose a window or do some window/workspace manipulation, which usually closes the effect as well. However, there should be settings for this. At the moment, we get more complicated effect with fewer settings.

Sure. There are two problems here:

  1. The gtk theme is not applied on wayland, it just defaults to adwaita
  2. font rendering is pixelated

See here how it looks normally in Xorg session:

And this is how it looks on Wayland since many months:

Or maybe this is a bug only on my system? Is there someone with Nvidia to check this? Or maybe this is because of a chosen font? Possibly with some default font, the pixel effect is not shown? I remember reading about some font issues that could be it.