Pine phone troubleshooting

I recently got a pine phone, beta edition, the standard pine phone not the pro. This appears to be their most recent revision of the device. I’m have been trying to get it updated, but I’ve had some trouble. Initially, the problem was that the update would have one or two errors as a result of dependencies, and because of those errors the entire update would be canceled. Not just the one or two files. As a result, I could not update anything. When I first started, all commands would work. However, now almost all commands fail to work as a result of “command not found.” The few commands that do seem to work result in

: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I looked up this problem and some people said that the right answer is to try idconfig or else to try and find the path. idconfig results in “command not found.”
It should already be installed, but when I try to install idconfig it goves me the error. It seems to be a catch 22.

I also thought that I might need to update the Colonel cause I’m not sure if I have the most recent one. But it seemed that the MHWD command was not installed or else it also needs the directory to be sorted out. I tried to use PAMAC, but that also seemed to not be installed. When I tried to install PAM AC, it seemed like it could not be installed as result of some library or dependency issue. I’m new to Manjaro and I’m not extremely skilled in Linix. I’m stumped. I’m looking for someone to hopefully provide strings of code which I need to copy and paste into terminal so I can start fixing everything. Thank you.

I am not familiar with Manjaro. I’m using it because it’s preinstalled on the pine phone.

I’m wishing for someone to hopefully provide the string or commands that I need to put into terminal to make all my commands work again and not come up with “command not found.” Most of the answers to these questions on the web are incomprehensible to me. I wouldn’t know where to begin even to try and find the path. I’m looking for someone who just knows exactly what I can copy and paste to put in to my phone to fix this. For both the “command, not found“ problem as well as the lib.crypto problem. The problems seem to be about libraries, sources Of information, and directories. I don’t know how to fix this, and I don’t even know how to begin to fix it.

Would one of you be able to help provide me the commands to put into my terminal to start fixing things?

I think tow boot is already installed on this model straight from the factory. Pretty soon I need to get a SD card in order to flash a good recent image of Manjaro ARM Plasma and then the problem should be resolved. But I would like first of all to try and fix the problems in the operating system that is already in the device right now.

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Manjaro has no military structure.

What I mean to say is – the word is kernel and not “Colonel” :smile_cat:

I have no experience with PinePhones, however, I’m sure someone will assist as soon as they are able.

In the meantime, please provide system information (when possible) according to the instructions given (below).

This will greatly assist those who might wish to help.


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inxi -zv8

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Considering that:

  • Manjaro ARM stable has not been updated for several months now,
  • Manjaro ARM unstable is getting updated, but has changed so much from the last stable push and from the factory image that you got with your PinePhone that upgrading to it without errors is hard,
  • even upgrading from the factory image to the current stable branch seems to fail (or is it trying to upgrade to the unstable branch?), though that would not be of all that much use because the stable branch is also severely outdated,
  • you are not familiar with Manjaro,
  • you have just received your PinePhone, so hopefully do not yet have anything important on that Manjaro installation,

I think you are better off trying another distribution, unfortunately. (The most popular ones are postmarketOS and Mobian.)