Pamac update at shutdown doesnt work on older install

Hi there,
recently pamac-qt added the option to automatically install updates on shutdown.
The option can be enabled in the settings menu.
This has been working very well on my home computer, and I enjoy this feature.

However I also have two systems that have been running Manjaro Plasma for some years. They have received all the updates of course, but the “update on shutdown” option doesn’t seem to work even tough it is enabled.

I suspect there is some kind of shutdown trigger / hook missing that went under the radar during the update that shipped this feature.

Unfortunately I have no idea how to begin debugging this, as I don’t have access to a system where this works at the moment.

Does anyone have some Idea how to tackle this?

pamac-qt was an experimental port of pamac that was discontinued years ago.


Sorry, I meant pamac-manager

To clear up any confusion please provide the output from

pacman -Qs pamac
local/libpamac 11.7.0-2
    Library for Pamac package manager based on libalpm
local/libpamac-flatpak-plugin 11.7.0-2
    Flatpak plugin for Pamac
local/pamac-cli 11.7.1-1
    A CLI Package Manager based on libalpm with AUR support
local/pamac-gtk3 10.7.0-1
    A Package Manager based on libalpm with AUR and Appstream support (GTK3)
local/pamac-tray-icon-plasma 0.1.3-3
    Pamac tray icon for Plasma users

Is not pamac-gtk3 development more or less ceased?

Is that what you use on the other machine where it works?

In any case now we know which pamac we are talking about.

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This week’s testing update brought libpamac 11.7.2-1 required By : libpamac-flatpak-plugin pamac-cli pamac-gtk.

To be honest, after a borked upgrade a couple of years ago, once the notification appears warning of updates, I always found it better to bring up Konsole (at least that way it’s easy to copy text from any errors).

As I remember, some 6 years ago I got excited about a shiny QT version for plasma, but then moved on to pamac-gtk.


  • Have a go with:
pamac install pamac-gtk
  • Updates at shutdown is quite horrifying - every time you go to sleep, you might never wake up again…
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