Pamac stopped working for AUR

Lately I noticed that AUR updates fail to build because:

“target wasn’t found”

Updating through yay gives no issues.

Any idea what is going on? Is it only on my system or some known bug?

please search

pamac has hit a storm … [Stable Update] 2023-07-10 - Kernels, Plasma, Gnome, LibreOffice, Pipewire, Mozilla, Wine - #2 by philm

in the meantime - use pacman - it never fails.

Hi @michaldybczak,

I’m using it right now as usual without any problems. Try force refreshing the databases:

pamac upgrade -a --force-refresh


You can’t with the AUR.

But, you can use it to upgrade libpamac, which fixes the known issue from the thread:

sudo pacman -Syu

and this is what i’m so concerned about. it’s the total inconsistency of the behaviour. although all of us are using the same system (more or less but the main parts are identical) and this crap happens. some say no problems, others dig in serious troubles and there is no advice for a really functioning workaround from the @Manjaro-Team till now. it’s just digging in the dark.

To be fair, I don’t think @OP has updated libpamac and I did wait to upgrade until Phil said the fix has been pushed. So, maybe not the same.

that’s what i mean. i updated libpamac as adviced and this wasn’t a solution while others updated libpamac and it was. this is a terrible behaviour if a system runs into such inconsistency.

If you updated libpamac separately after the faulty one happened, then I really don’t know.


This might help. Solved my problems with pamac after updating the faulty libpamac via pacman.

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as i already stated, it didn’t at my system as on others too and to the other side this solved the problems for others. this is a stupid inconsistency and the @Manjaro-Team should have given an official workaround. but there is nothing. @philm wrote it was a bug that he declared as a simple mistake that will be fixed soon. and now we’re waiting for days without any feedback nor a solution while the users are opening one thread after the other that is related to this non-functioning update-management that affects the stable and unstable branch.
i’m also missing some kind of communication that let the users know how to do a functioning workaround or at minimum a round-about-schedule when we can expect a fix.

That is correct - that is why it never fails.

While I am no longer contributing actively I am in contact with the team.

I don’t know what the issue with Pamac is - but rest assured there is activity.

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I tried using:

pamac upgrade -a --force-refresh

and it showed some possible issues:

Error: DEB_Arch_Extra.files: DEB_Arch_Extra: missing required signature                                                  
Incorrect or corrupted database (PGP signature)

Then at the end I get:

cp: can't create a usual file '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/pamac_aur.db': No access
Error: Operation wasn't successful: target wasn't found: pamac-tray-icon-plasma

Edit build files : [Edit] 
Apply? [Edit/Y/N] N

No matter if I use Y or N, it always gives:

Operation was canceled

Removing the folder /var/tmp/pamac didn’t change anything.

P.S. I’m on testing branch.

This is a third party repo for - wait for it - I got it - mega client.

nothing to do with Manjaro.

Use makepkg, paru or yay to update your aur scripts - use a scripted notification so you don’t accidentally ruin your system.

Unironically … did you power cycle - restart after doing that? Because for me it didnt work until i did that.

And i’m on stable, so can’t help you with unstable issues.

Ah, yes. I do have Mega installed. Thanks.

If the issue will be resolved in some future update, I will just wait. It’s not a critical problem. I can always use yay. I just didn’t know what was happening.

By the way, if we are waiting days for this fix, the faulty update should be reversed and the solution would be to downgrade with -Syyuu (if I recall correctly). I can still downgrade pamac packages manually, but since I can wait, I’ll do that.

I didn’t at first The folder was restored with the fresh files and reboot shouldn’t have influenced it at all. However, I deleted the folder again, did a restart, applied the command again, still the same.

Well …

sudo rm -Rf /var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync
mkdir -p /var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync
pamac update -a --force-refresh


well, following your instructions leaves this

Aktualisiere dein System

pamac upgrade,update [Optionen]

  --force-refresh     : Aktualisierung der Datenbanken erzwingen
  --no-refresh        : Datenbanken nicht aktualisieren
  --enable-downgrade  : Paketdegradierung einschalten
  --disable-downgrade : Installieren älterer Paketversionen deaktivieren
  --download-only, -w : Lade alle Pakete herunter ohne etwas zu
  --dry-run, -d       : Nur ausgeben, was ausgeführt werden würde, jedoch
                        nicht durchführen
  --ignore <Paket(e)> : Ignoriere Paketaktualisierung, mehrere Pakete können
                        angegeben werden indem sie mit einem Komma getrennt
  --overwrite <glob>  : Konfliktdateien überschreiben, mehrere Muster können
                        angegeben werden indem sie mittels Komma getrennt
  --no-confirm        : alle Bestätigungsmeldungen umgehen
  --aur, -a           : aktualisiere auch Pakete die von AUR installiert wurden
  --no-aur            : Pakete aus dem AUR nicht aktualisieren
  --devel             : auch Entwicklungspakete erneuern (nutze --aur)
  --no-devel          : Entwicklerpakete nicht aktualisieren
  --builddir <dir>    : Build-Verzeichnis (benutzen mit --aur), wenn kein
                        Verzeichnis angegeben wurde, wird das in der
                        pamac.conf-Datei verwendet

so doing a update with

sudo pacman-mirrors -f 5 && sudo pacman -Scc && sudo pacman -Syu

and rerun

pamac update -a --force-refesh

has the same result

Aktualisiere dein System

pamac upgrade,update [Optionen]

  --force-refresh     : Aktualisierung der Datenbanken erzwingen
  --no-refresh        : Datenbanken nicht aktualisieren
  --enable-downgrade  : Paketdegradierung einschalten
  --disable-downgrade : Installieren älterer Paketversionen deaktivieren
  --download-only, -w : Lade alle Pakete herunter ohne etwas zu
  --dry-run, -d       : Nur ausgeben, was ausgeführt werden würde, jedoch
                        nicht durchführen
  --ignore <Paket(e)> : Ignoriere Paketaktualisierung, mehrere Pakete können
                        angegeben werden indem sie mit einem Komma getrennt
  --overwrite <glob>  : Konfliktdateien überschreiben, mehrere Muster können
                        angegeben werden indem sie mittels Komma getrennt
  --no-confirm        : alle Bestätigungsmeldungen umgehen
  --aur, -a           : aktualisiere auch Pakete die von AUR installiert wurden
  --no-aur            : Pakete aus dem AUR nicht aktualisieren
  --devel             : auch Entwicklungspakete erneuern (nutze --aur)
  --no-devel          : Entwicklerpakete nicht aktualisieren
  --builddir <dir>    : Build-Verzeichnis (benutzen mit --aur), wenn kein
                        Verzeichnis angegeben wurde, wird das in der
                        pamac.conf-Datei verwendet

Verspäteter Aprilscherz ?

AH! a Typo only I saw now!

pamac update -a --force-refresh

Thank you!

I’m currently building qt5-webkit (from AUR - via yay) and it takes a long time, so I can’t check the further commands.

That worked! Thanks!