Pamac Shows symbolic icon in apps grid with Adwaita Icon Theme


I use Manjaro GNOME with vanilla Adwaita theme for both GTK and icons. Before GNOME 42 update, icon shown in apps grid for pamac was two or three carton packages. It wasn’t the nicest or most modern looking icon but it was doing the job. But after GNOME 42 update icon for pamac (Add/Remove Software) in the apps grid shows as the images below (as a symbolic icon). I don’t know if it’s just me or is it a common problem.

I prefer Adwaita icons over papirus icons but the icon of one of the most used app on my system is so out of place right now. Icon for pamac in hicolor folder (system-software-install) is very adwaita-like and it would be great if I could use it. But I couldn’t find a way.

Ekran Görüntüsü - 2022-06-27 22-27-04

Ekran Görüntüsü - 2022-06-27 22-27-49

To help people who would invastigate the issue:

.desktop file for pamac: org.manjaro.pamac.manager.desktop

It has this line for icon: Icon=system-software-install

In /usr/share/icons/hicolor/ there are system-software-install.svg files which are nice and very in-place with adwaita icon style

But my system use system-software-install-symbolic.symbolic.png files in /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/**x**/legacy/

Do you still have gnome-icon-theme installed? Remove it if so. It was dropped from the repos as it’s deprecated.

I don’t. I have gnome-icon-theme-extras package installed. It’s still in the repos but doesn’t seem to have anything related to system-software-install icon

I can reproduce the issue. Sorry, forgot to test earlier.

Some icons are now part of Gtk instead of a separate icon theme. I’m not exactly sure what it involved, but it seemed to have caused issues like this.

There’s a reason why Manjaro ships with Papirus. :wink:

Maybe also try Newaita Reborn (available in the AUR as newaita-reborn-icons-git).

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Ok, I fixed it with a hacky way.

  • I copied every system-software-install.svg file in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/*/apps/ into the same directories with another name as org.manjaro.pamac.manager.svg

  • Copied /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/scalable/legacy/system-software-install-symbolic.svg into /usr/share/icons/hicolor/symbolic/apps/ with the name org.manjaro.pamac.manager-symbolic.svg (Otherwise topbar and notification icons get broken)

  • Edited /usr/share/applications/org.manjaro.pamac.manager.desktop with the line Icon=org.manjaro.pamac.manager

  • Updated icon cache: sudo gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/hicolor

After a re-login it was fixed

Ekran Görüntüsü - 2022-06-28 15-58-43

Tip: Copy icons to ~/.local/share/icons/, not /usr/share/icons/. Otherwise, the next time the package(s) that own those files updates, you’ll have to do it all over again.

I thought that too but I couldn’t wrap my head around how the folder structure should be in that case.

The folder structure is the same, you’re just starting from ~/.local/ instead of /usr/.

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Whoops! I didn’t realise there was already a hicolor directory in ~/.local/share/icons. Thanks