on last update pamac is not working, however pacman and paru are working
Error: Fallo al preparar una operación: base de datos no válida o dañada
since pacman and paru are working as intended without errors, I can say this is pamac specific.
I have already tried the sudo rm -R /var/lib/pacman/sync trick without success.
UPDATE: tried
[alex@alex-b450aoruselite ~]$ sudo pacman -Syyu
:: Sincronizando las bases de datos de los paquetes...
core 140.3 KiB 2004 KiB/s 00:00 [####################################################] 100%
extra 8.0 MiB 23.6 MiB/s 00:00 [####################################################] 100%
multilib 141.2 KiB 9.85 MiB/s 00:00 [####################################################] 100%
:: Iniciando actualización completa del sistema...
...el sistema ya está actualizado.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12:55:09
[alex@alex-b450aoruselite ~]$ pamac upgrade
Sincronización de bases de datos de paquetes...
Actualizando AUR...
Comprobando ckbcomp dependencias...
Comprobando pamac-tray-icon-plasma dependencias...
Clonando visual-studio-code-bin archivos de compilación...
Generando visual-studio-code-bin de información...
Comprobando visual-studio-code-bin dependencias...
Comprobando v86d dependencias...
Comprobando tlpui dependencias...
Comprobando python-pyrsistent dependencias...
Comprobando zsh-theme-powerlevel10k dependencias...
Error: Fallo al preparar una operación: base de datos no válida o dañada
Editar archivos de construcción : [e]
Aplicar transacción ? [e/s/N]
Operación cancelada.
on my experience, i always have paru as backup, since pamac has failed in the past for me with aur packages. So I only use it in these cases, as pacman doesn’t handle them.
However, the pamac error is for ALL packages, not just aur
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Please, the post was posted in the testing issues post, and indeed this is a testing upgrade issue. I see no missplacement here. The issue starts happening today on the weekly upgrade.
This is not an aur related issue, but a pamac related issue, as no package at all are possible to upgrade with pamac. Aur and paru are totally out of point here.
I have seen previous posts from users reporting that “pamac is broken” that do not mention use of other 3rd party AUR helpers and I suspect that the 3rd party helper might be causing the problem with pamac that I cannot replicate
Update announcements are for reporting issues with repository packages. Issues from updating AUR packages with multiple AUR helpers are less relevant for Manjaro Team
I had a discussion with an Arch user (c00ter) on the old forum and he suggested that users should use only one AUR helper for consistent results. He was using yay but suggested that I use pamac so issues could be reported to Manjaro Team
More examples of packages that have the same name in the repos and the AUR … so when you use pamac, also including the AUR, to upgrade … you can inadvertently receive the AUR packages.
A pamac user could inadvertently upgrade a repository package to an AUR package by not paying attention to information shown about packages before they agree to update
This less likely to happen if user updates repository packages before rebuilding AUR packages
pamac update --no-aur
Previous posts show that yay can also be updated inadvertently to AUR version and can update other packages to AUR version. I suspect that paru is also likely to upgrade to AUR packages inadvertently
But If paru works better for OP they should consider using it instead of pamac
Its also just … not a pacman frontend.
Both pacman and pamac are ALPM ‘frontends’ you could say.
And pamac relies on certain pacman things, like the cache and log.
But they are 2 different package managers.
If you do want a graphical frontend for pacman … that would be octopi.