Pamac GUI stopped working due to a flatpak plugin problem

I can no longer open the Pamac GUI on Manjaro XFCE.

I have read the following topics, but I have not found a working solution:

Starting the application from the terminal gives:

[dragonfox@FoxBox ~]$ pamac-manager %U
 Message: 00:26:13.871: flatpak_plugin.vala:330: refreshing flathub appstream data

flatpak:ERROR:common/flatpak-variant-impl-private.h:1197:var_summary_get_metadata: assertion failed: (start <= end)
Bail out! flatpak:ERROR:common/flatpak-variant-impl-private.h:1197:var_summary_get_metadata: assertion failed: (start <= end)
Aborted (core dumped)
[dragonfox@FoxBox ~]$ sudo pacman -R pamac-flatpak-plugin
error: target not found: pamac-flatpak-plugin

I have attempted to install/reinstall the plugin but for some reason it doesn’t help.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

You may not be fully up to date. pamac-flatpak-plugin was replaced by libpamac-flatpak-plugin.

Make sure your mirrors are up to date and do a full update:

sudo pacman-mirrors -f5 && sudo pacman -Syyu

It states that “there is nothing to do”

Maybe try uninstalling old Flatpak packages:

flatpak uninstall --unused

As well as update manually:

flatpak update

“flatpak update” was the solution for me. Thanks.

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