Pamac GUI is not working after enabling flatpak

I installed Manjaro on empty SSD (fresh install), than I ran and installed all the updates (sudo pacman -Syu) and I have opened PAMAC gui (add/remove software) and enabled flatpak in third party tab and when I restarted my computer and tried to start PAMAC gui (add/remove software) it doesn’t open, just pops up an error that pamac could not be started. I have tried same procedure more than once with same result. I have seen many such reports during last 2-3 years from other Manjaro users about same problem.

It was fixed in the past but it is present again.
No human error, no specific environment, just a bug in Manjaro that needs to be fixed.

Try to do fresh install of Manjaro, then install updates and enable flatpak in third party, restart computer and you will see what I am talking about.

Why not share the actual error output?

Blood from a stone.

At this point we don’t even know which Manjaro you have installed. More information is required to enable anyone to help. The previous links will help you to help yourself.

This is common problem with PAMAC gui (add/remove software), you can find many same reports in last couple of years.

Here is a link from one of the reports.

And solution for this problem was to remove flatpak plugin.

I don’t want to do that because I need tha plugin so I can browse for flatpak apps in PAMAC gui.

Because of that bug I switched to another Arch based distro where I can use flatpak plugin without issues ( not in PAMAC GUI but in Discover)

Nothing odd about that, why to use distro with bugs when I can use distro without it.

I really like Manjaro and when new version comes up I installed it again in hope that this error is fixed.

Read the thread again.
The user there had an outdated version of the plugin.
In fact one with an entirely different name than the one currently used.

Maybe try following the advice there.

(again this could be applicable in the case of an odd install medium … we still dont know anything)

If that doesnt help … Share your errors.
And preferably additional system information as well.

Latest Manjaro KDE version.

One of the reports from the past with same error.

Please share your error.

If the error is the same as that post, then this is your solution:

flatpak uninstall --unused

As well as update manually:

flatpak update

Which is marked as the solution in that post.

That fixed the problem by removing old flatpak packages – If you’re experiencing the same issue with Pamac, then it’s likely to be the same cause – One (or more) of the Flatpak packages that you have installed; perhaps even one you depend on. The issue is likely not with Pamac.

Again, a simple question: Which Display Environment are you using?

I am using KDE Plasma.

It is a same error like in the post I sent it to you.

I know that I can uninstall the flatpak plugin and that I can install and update flatpak apps in terminal, but I find it convenient to do it from Pamac Gui, also I can browse through flatpak apps there also without going to flathub.

And what is the point to have the flatpak plugin in third party tab if it is not working. It should be fixed or removed just like snap was removed from third party tap in Pamac gui.

BTW I didn’t install any of flatpak packages.
I just enabled flatpak plugin in order to install some flatpak apps from pamac gui.

Only fresh install of Manjaro with latest updates, no apps, no flatpak packages.

That is not the suggestion in the linked thread.

Thank you for the context. @cscs might this be somehow xdg-desktop-platform related?

Uninstalling the plugin wasn’t part of the solution. Forcing a manual update of Flatpak was, however – Have you attempted that?

I dont see the extra context.

OP continues to state ‘it doesnt work’, while being defensive about wanting the flatpak plugin …

( while we still dont know if, for example, updating flatpaks would fix the plugin/pamac as in the linked thead )

Well. Break time :sleepy:

No it is not, I just stated that only way to make Pamac Gui to work again is to remove flatpak plugin.

I have no flatpak packages installed, just a fresh Manjaro KDE install with latest updates.

I wanted to install some flatpak apps from Pamac Gui, because of that I enabled flatpak plugin in third part tab, restarted my pc and when I started Pamac Gui it didn’t open, just send an error that it can not open.

I did a fresh install of Manjaro again, installed updates and flatpak plugin again and same error pops up again.

I tried updating flatpak with no luck.

If you use terminal, does everything work as expected for you?

You say it’s a fresh install. Did you use the latest installer, or one you’ve had for a while?

Yes, from terminal it works like a charm. I will try another fresh install of Manjaro KDE, updates, and flatpak plugin to see if it will work. Maybe something happened during installation.

which version of pamac GUI are you using: pamac-gtk or pamac-gtk3 ?

I downloaded a Manjaro KDE 23.0-230903 from website on 5 september when it came out.

I will try to reinstall it with newer version Manjaro KDE 23.0.2-230919

There have been a few updates since then. If this issue existed previously, it may have been rectified by possibly related updates. You could test that theory by downloading the latest KDE ISO if its also been updated. I think it’s too soon for that though.

We finally know he’s running KDE. :slightly_smiling_face: That’s potentially useful, considering the issue in the magical thread the OP keeps referring to is solved in an XFCE environment; and not KDE.

These applications you want to install via flatpak might also be available either in the Arch repositories, which Manjaro uses, or via the AUR. This could be a workaround until you find a solution.

It does seem to me that the culprit is the flatpak plugin itself; considering you had no problem until activating it.

You could try this:-

Remove Flatpak before activating it in Pamac GUI:

sudo pacman -R flatpak

Install Flatpak while performing a system upgrade:

sudo pacman -Syyu flatpak


Good luck.

What error? You still haven’t told us. Please stop wasting helpful volunteer’s time running around in circles. No one can help you until you provide the information you’ve already been asked for.

:warning: This thread is unlisted (publicly hidden) for now. You’ve already received an official warning and have had a previous suspension. Take one step over the line your account will be suspended until the end of time. No more warnings.

Had this error few minutes ago. The error solved itself. Seems like Flatpak was to blame. It was downloading its own stuff and the users (including me) were impatient. I searched for a package on terminal and it took more than 8 hours to give me a result. But after that, Add/remove software opens and works fine for me. I have pretty good fiber connection but according to System Monitor, Flatpak was talking less than 100KBps internet speed. So definitely Flatpak to blame here.