sudo pamac upgrade
Synchronizing package databases...
Refreshing core.db...
Refreshing extra.db...
Refreshing community.db...
Refreshing multilib.db...
Error: multilib.db: GPGME error: No data
Error: multilib.db: GPGME error: No data
Error: multilib.db: GPGME error: No data
Error: multilib.db: GPGME error: No data
invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature)
Failed to synchronize databases
Nothing to do.
Transaction successfully finished.
but pacman works
sudo pacman -Syyu
:: Synchronising package databases...
core 165.6 KiB 1274 KiB/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
extra 1955.5 KiB 16.8 MiB/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
community 7.3 MiB 28.0 MiB/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
multilib 180.5 KiB 6.78 MiB/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
:: Starting full system upgrade...
there is nothing to do
Hopefully these are the relevant lines from /etc/pacman.conf
Thanks tried that pacman downloaded a new copy of multilib.db which was identical to the previous version and still works ok.
pamac still fails with the same error.
Thanks for posting the link to the guide, it did not come up when I first searched, and I was wondering why pacman and pamac behave differently. Since pacman works with the configuration.
SigLevel = Required DatabaseOptional
And pamac required the config changed to
SigLevel = Required DatabaseNever
And the file deleted and pacman to bring it back before it would work.
I can see that pamac copies the files from /var/lib/pacman/sync since there was a multilib.db-old that I created in /var/lib/pacman/sync/ prior to deleting the “corrupt” version which turned out to be identical.
However, it does not delete the files since I deleted the multilib.db-old from /var/lib/pacman/sync/ prior to looking at /var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync
The difference between them is that /var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync has .sig files for the databases and /var/lib/pacman/sync/ does not.
Is there somewhere that pamac logs what is going on? All I can see is tail -f /var/log/pacman.log
And it did not show any errors whilst failing, just that