Pamac - can't find some existing packages

Using Pamac 10.2.2-5 in KDE, searching for “Citrix” displays no result. Search for “icaclient” shows the AUR with the description “Citrix Workspace App for …”.

Using the cli:

❯ pamac search -i icaclient 
icaclient                                                                                                                              AUR 
    Citrix Workspace App for x86_64 (64bit) Linux (ICAClient, Citrix Receiver)
❯ pamac search -a Citrix      
xenstore                                                                                                                                         6.2.0-4    AUR 
    Citrix XenServer Tools
xe-guest-utilities                                                                                                                               6.2.0-4    AUR 
    Citrix XenServer Tools
icaclient-old                                                                                                                                    13.4-1     AUR 
    Citrix Receiver for x86_64 (64bit) Linux (ICAClient) Version 13.4
hdx-realtime-media-engine-sap                                                                                                                    2.2.100-1  AUR 
    Plug-In for Citrix Receiver to support clear, crisp high-definition audio-video calls, particularly with Microsoft Skype® for Business.
    This version is for compatibility.
hdx-realtime-media-engine                                                                                                                        2.9.400-0  AUR 
    Plug-In for Citrix Receiver to support clear, crisp high-definition audio-video calls, particularly with Microsoft Skype® for Business.
check-cve-2019-19781                                                                                                                             1.0.2-1    AUR 
    Citrix CVE-2019-19781 (#Shitrix) vulnerability/mitigation checker

I’m not kind of confused: icaclient is never found, but icaclient-old is. I could install icaclient just fine with pamac install icaclient.

Pacman behaves similar:

❯ pacman -Ss Citrix

❯ pacman -Qs Citrix
    Citrix Workspace App for x86_64 (64bit) Linux (ICAClient, Citrix Receiver)

Why am I not finding icaclient with pamac?

❯ pamac search -i pamac
libpamac-snap-plugin                                                                                                                            11.1.3-1  extra 
    Snap plugin for Pamac
libpamac-flatpak-plugin                                                                                                                         11.1.3-1  extra 
    Flatpak plugin for Pamac
libpamac                                                                                                                                        11.1.3-1  extra 
    Library for Pamac package manager based on libalpm
pamac-tray-icon-plasma                                                                                                                          0.1.2-4   extra 
    Pamac tray icon for plasma users
pamac-gtk                                                                                                                                       10.2.2-5  extra 
    A Package Manager based on libalpm with AUR and Appstream support
pamac-cli                                                                                                                                       10.2.2-5  extra 
    A Package Manager based on libalpm with AUR and Appstream support
❯ pacman --version 
 .--.                  Pacman v6.0.1 - libalpm v13.0.1

Hi @Stefanqn, and welcome!

According to the man page:

╭─mirdarthos@Mirdarthos-PC ~
╰─➤ man  pamac

Search for packages or files, multiple search terms can be specified

pamac search [options] <package(s)/file(s)>)

--installed, -i
only search for installed packages

--aur, -a
also search in AUR

so, in your query the -a as well as the -i flag would heavily influence the search results.

I don’t have it installed, so the search doesn’t return anything when I use the -i flag:

╭─mirdarthos@Mirdarthos-PC ~
╰─➤ pamac search -i Citrix
╭─mirdarthos@Mirdarthos-PC ~

Also, I don’t know if this makes a difference or bot, but I have Software mode enabled in Add/Remove programs’ preferences.

Using the -a flag when searching includes the AUR in the search:

╭─mirdarthos@Mirdarthos-PC ~
╰─➤ pacs -a Citrix
xenstore                                                                                                                                                                                                       6.2.0-4      AUR
Citrix XenServer Tools
xe-guest-utilities                                                                                                                                                                                             6.2.0-4      AUR
Citrix XenServer Tools
icaclient-old                                                                                                                                                                                                  13.4-1       AUR
Citrix Receiver for x86_64 (64bit) Linux (ICAClient) Version 13.4
icaclient                                                                                                                                                                                              AUR
Citrix Workspace App for x86_64 (64bit) Linux (ICAClient, Citrix Receiver)
hdx-realtime-media-engine-sap                                                                                                                                                                                  2.2.100-1    AUR
Plug-In for Citrix Receiver to support clear, crisp high-definition audio-video calls, particularly with Microsoft Skype® for Business. This version is for compatibility.
hdx-realtime-media-engine                                                                                                                                                                                      2.9.400-0    AUR
Plug-In for Citrix Receiver to support clear, crisp high-definition audio-video calls, particularly with Microsoft Skype® for Business.
check-cve-2019-19781                                                                                                                                                                                           1.0.2-1      AUR
Citrix CVE-2019-19781 (#Shitrix) vulnerability/mitigation checker

So that makes a big difference as well.

So I think you answer boils down to you should just search in the right place.

Hope this helps!