Pamac AUR packages to update does not match with yay

At first, when I tried to update the system using Pamac, I encountered

error: GPGME error: No data

so I tried this solution from another post.

sudo cp -f "/etc/pacman.conf" "/etc/pacman.conf.orig"
sudo sed -i 's/SigLevel.*/SigLevel = Never/' /etc/pacman.conf
sudo pacman -Syy gnupg archlinux-keyring manjaro-keyring --ignore manjaro-system
sudo mv -f "/etc/pacman.conf.orig" "/etc/pacman.conf"
sudo pacman -Syu

The solution presented there did not work, so I tried this instead:

sudo rm -R /var/lib/pacman/sync

That worked and I got my packages updated via the command line with pacman and yay. However, Pamac still shows updates for dbus-x11, game-devices-udev, snapd, v86d, xcursor-breeze and yay, all originating from AUR.

This is the output for yay:

:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community is up to date
 multilib is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 there is nothing to do
:: Searching databases for updates...
:: Searching AUR for updates...
 -> kvantum-theme-matchama: local (20191118-1) is newer than AUR (r265.8525e05-2)
 -> Missing AUR Packages:  galculator-gtk2  libopenaptx
 there is nothing to do

If I try to update with Pamac again, it will give the

error: GPGME error: No data

error again.

What should I do to stop this error from coming back?

Hi @dkhl65
The better questions are what are these packages; why do you have it on your system and do you still need them?

As far as I see these are obsolete packages dropped from repository and put to the AUR.

 -> kvantum-theme-matchama: local (20191118-1) is newer than AUR (r265.8525e05-2)
 -> Missing AUR Packages:  galculator-gtk2  libopenaptx

Check if they are listed as orphans in Pamac? Do you really need them? If you think not, then they are safe to remove.

Those packages are all available in Manjaro’s repositories.


As far as I see these are obsolete packages dropped from repository and put to the AUR.

Definitely not. All of these packages are also in the official repositories. None of them are orphans. Pamac seems to say that I have it from the official repositories as well as AUR. Very strange. These packages are either explicitly installed (e.g. snapd is installed by default on Manjaro) or a dependency for another package.

I followed the [root tip] instructions and it seems to have worked for now. Pamac is no longer showing those packages as originating from AUR. Thanks!

Yeah, sorry for the confusion, it wasn’t intended. Thanks to @maycne.sonahoz for correcting me.
However, was referring to galculator-gtk2 libopenaptx, respectively kvantum-theme-matchama which seems local but requested from AUR also.The first 2 are neither in repo nor in AUR, one is only as -git version.

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