Pamac-all not following system theme

Could you please tell how you changed it back to gtk3

…you…install … pamac-gtk3

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is it manjaro repo only because i cant seem to find it in aur ( i use vanilla arch - i created this account back when i was using manjaro, couldnt handle the constant crashing so switched to vanilla arch lol)

Its in the manjaro repos…

There seems to be various pamac packages in AUR with description about gtk3 frontend. For example:
pamac-classic (seems to be an obsolete version)

It is possible that those forgot to change the description, and it will pull the gtk4 version from git. Check out the PKGBUILDs.

I believe there is a site with all Manjaro packages, so in theory you could install it directly from a file, but it wouldn’t update, so it’s a bad idea. Adding Manjaro repo would be even worse idea.

As a side note, if your experience is

…then you’re doing something wrong. In the almost 3 years of my install, I’ve had not one single crash.

I highly doubt that the issues from my side. I’ve a laptop that runs endeavour os and a desktop that runs vanilla arch (so arch in both my devices - kinda) and my experience with both these distros has been nothing but amazing. Manjaro was the only distro ive had troubles with. The system would literally be unusable everytime i restart after an update (it worked fine after a second restart but it was a pain to get it to restart a second time too). But that was in 2019 so im not sure if its any good now plus the linux community on reddit still seems to hate it (but that could also be due to the fact 70% of r/linuxmasterrace) are arch elitists). So anyways if ur experience has been great so far good for u ig.

Pretty sure thats the case because i use pamac-all

Edit: Yup, no doubt about it, pamac-all is a gtk4 app

Well, you can try to change PKGBUILD and replace source with gtk3 version, remembering to change dependencies, sums, etc. This is recommended only for someone who is more experienced with PKGBUILD. It probably wouldn’t work for me if I tried it… Still, this feels like a bad solution, because every update you would have to update the PKGBUILD. If you were doing it, you would be practically maintaining the new AUR package yourself, so you could publish it for others…

I think the best way to go here is just to accept the gtk4 version’s limitation, and that is not so consistent with the system theming. Other solutions are too hacky and too inconvenient.

I don’t remember ever telling I’ve trouble using the terminal. Its just that a GUI just makes things much simpler such as one click installs, icons, smooth scrolling, readable sized text, description, etc. and what not. Navigating packages on a GUI is much easier than using something like yay or paru. Pamac’s the only good GUI that’s available for the aur (octopi’s ui looks sh1t), not to mention the support for other repos too. My only concern is the theme and since manjaro’s the one behind pamac and considering pamac is one of manjaros greatest selling point I simply asked for a possible solution in the manjaro forums (not really a reddit guy). Plus tf is user error supposed to mean.

Changing the PKGBUILD is not really that big of a deal but the need to change the PKGBUILD and take care of the dependecies every time pamac has an update is just too much work for me to handle. The main reason I even use arch ( ̶b̶t̶w̶ ̶) is because of the aur which automatically takes care of the dependencies so i dont have to (because I’m one heck of a lazy bastard - one of the reasons i rely on guis instead of the terminal). So this solution is a huge no for me but still thanks for the suggestion :blush:.

Guess I’ll have to live on with the ugly adwaita theme till the day I die.

Manjaro repositories has pamac-gtk3 v10.5.3-4 for GTK3 themes
As far as I can tell from Manjaro Gitlab, that is the old version of pamac-gtk with name changed

So it might be possible to downgrade pamac-all to previous version

If that is not possible you could download pamac v10.5.3 from source and install via pacman
Releases · Applications / pamac · GitLab

For both workarounds I would also suggest adding pamac packages to the ignore list for the time being
wait and see what develops in Manjaro Gitlab and AUR

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Thank you, it worked, tho I was only able to downgrade to the major release (10.5.1) but who cares as long as it works. I was planning on switching to bauh (gtk3 app) but I wasnt really a fan of the ui (still looks better than octopi tho ) or pacseek TUI but looks like I don’t have to afterall thanks to you :blush:.

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Octopi may be weird at first, but when you get use to it, it’s hard to switch to pamac. Years ago, Octopi was pre-installed on all Plasma installs and pamac was not, so for me, it was fine and pamac felt like a downgrade.

For myself, I also prefer Octopi, probably because I mostly used Synaptic Package Manager for several years before switching to Manjaro.

I also like that it’s predominately info based, there’s less needless scrolling, clicking, and eye-candy.

Agreed, but I can understand that for many users it may be confusing. For example, clicking on alien face to access AUR. The app doesn’t navigate the user to discover this mechanic. However, once you learn it, it feels comfortable and easy.
Pamac on its own has many strange and confusing UI solutions. It only looks nicer to the eye, nothing more.

Exactly this. This is what threw me off. It just felt plain weird to click on an alien face every time I needed an AUR package. This feature is weird on its own but an alien face to top it all off, seriously??? I’d rather prefer an octopus to an alien (I mean the application’s friggin called octopi, so why use a friggin alien face to access the AUR instead of an octopus)

But from a usability standpoint I never had any issues with it.

These are packages that are alien to the system, because they are not in the repos. Nowadays with pamac they are called foreign. A matter of semantics. So it is actually very cool idea.

Care to elaborate?

Damn. Never realized there was such symbolism behind the alien. Thats some eye-opening insight you have given me there. I guess I’ll give octopi a second chance now that I see the feature I hated the most from a different perspective. Its better than downgrading a package too.

But why the jawline tho, it would have looked better if it looked like a regular alien emoji :alien::alien:, guess that’s meant to symbolize chad gui