Pacman-mirrors cluttered output

After today’s update, pacman-mirrors shows unnecessary information… Bug?

pacman-mirrors -G

APP_DIR /usr/share
LOCALE_DIR /usr/share/locale

pacman-mirrors -v

APP_DIR /usr/share
LOCALE_DIR /usr/share/locale

Version 4.24.0

Not a bug? Though there hasnt been any explanation really.

[Unstable Update] 2023-10-08 - GNOME 45 - #53 by philm :roll_eyes:

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For me those lines:

APP_DIR /usr/share
LOCALE_DIR /usr/share/locale

looks like some temporary enabled debug info. They useless for normal usage.

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It would seem an oversight or an unfinished feature or … something …
But … phils response in the link means that theres no use reporting it because its intended?
I dont know - for some reason mentioning it was met with attitude.


If anyone is using the pacman-mirrors -G command to show branch in Conky - like me and many Mabox users - a workaround may be to use the command:

pacman-mirrors -G | tail -n 1

hey @philm - scripts are relying on a stable output of things. in case there isn’t a really good reason, I don’t think such things should be spammed into stdout without any flag.

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Or you could get it from /etc/pacman-mirrors.conf, ex:

awk '$1 == "Branch" { print $3 }' /etc/pacman-mirrors.conf
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This package was never intended to reach stable branch

Please remove the debug output

I agree - it shouldn’t be in stable - that code should have been removed or made conditional using --debug flag.

I can give you an idea of why it is there.

During tests to use the latest python package standards we discovered that in rare circumstances - usually with CI builds - there was no locale defined - which made pacman-mirrors cease function - and no mirror list was generated.

During the troubleshooting the mentioned debug messages was created.

The former architect and maintainer of pacman-mirrors have been involved - although not when that code block was added in the script.


He did and pacman-mirrors 4.24.1-1 is now available in all branches.

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