Yesterday I installed wine via pamac which had the side effect of updating a bunch of system packages. After the update was done, a bunch of windows looked wrong. My system appearance is set to dark mode, but now there are miscellaneous window title bars and menu bars which look like they’re in light mode.
I tried toggling between dark and light mode to get windows back to dark mode, but it’s not having any effect-- certain parts of the windows seem to be stuck in light mode.
I’ve tried rebooting, yet the issue persists. I’d like to get dark mode back, but I’m not sure how.
Here’s a video illustrating the issue. VS Code used to have a menu bar with a dark background, now it’s stuck in light mode. Terminator used to have a completely dark background, now the entire thing is stuck in light mode. Brave used to have an entirely dark window background, now it’s stuck in lightmode. Firefox is okay/normal. Meld I can’t remember if it even has dark mode but I put it in there anyway.