Package manager update for python-shiboken2 does not go away

Package manager shows this update in AUR:

Python bindings for shiboken2
Update version: 5.15.16-1 → 5.15.16-3

I apply the update and the building process takes several minutes.

When finished, the update request does not go away, it keeps showing in package manager with the same versions.

Tried the update 3 times and the same thing happens.

Here is the start and end parts of the log which seems to show some error messages:

Sincronizando con las bases de datos...
Actualizando AUR...
Comprobando python-shiboken2 dependencias...
Advertencia: plymouth: la versión instalada (24.004.60-6) es más nueva que extra (22.02.122-18)
Resolviendo dependencias...
Comprobando conflictos entre paquetes...
Edit pyside2 build files

Comprobando python-shiboken2 dependencias...
Advertencia: plymouth: la versión instalada (24.004.60-6) es más nueva que extra (22.02.122-18)
Resolviendo dependencias...
Comprobando conflictos entre paquetes...

Construyendo pyside2...
==> Creando el paquete: pyside2 5.15.16-1 (mar 24 dic 2024 13:57:46)
==> Comprobando dependencias mientras se ejecuta...
==> Comprobando dependencias mientras se compila...
==> Recibiendo las fuentes...
  -> pyside-setup-opensource-src-5.15.16.tar.xz ha sido encontrado
  -> update-sip-import.patch ha sido encontrado
  -> fix-spelling-errors.patch ha sido encontrado
  -> blacklist-failing-tests.patch ha sido encontrado
  -> test-with-current-interpreter.patch ha sido encontrado
  -> Shiboken-Fix-the-oldest-shiboken-bug-ever.patch ha sido encontrado
  -> PyEnum-make-forgiving-duplicates-work-with-Python-3.11.patch ha sido encontrado


-- Installing: /var/tmp/pamac-build-sebastian/pyside2/pkg/python-shiboken2/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/shiboken2/files.dir/shibokensupport/signature/
-- Installing: /var/tmp/pamac-build-sebastian/pyside2/pkg/python-shiboken2/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/shiboken2/files.dir/shibokensupport/signature/
-- Installing: /var/tmp/pamac-build-sebastian/pyside2/pkg/python-shiboken2/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/shiboken2/files.dir/shibokensupport/
-- Installing: /var/tmp/pamac-build-sebastian/pyside2/pkg/python-shiboken2/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/shiboken2/files.dir/shibokensupport/
-- Installing: /var/tmp/pamac-build-sebastian/pyside2/pkg/python-shiboken2/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/shiboken2/
-- Installing: /var/tmp/pamac-build-sebastian/pyside2/pkg/python-shiboken2/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/shiboken2/
-- Installing: /var/tmp/pamac-build-sebastian/pyside2/pkg/python-shiboken2/usr/lib/cmake/Shiboken2-5.15.16/Shiboken2Config.cmake
-- Installing: /var/tmp/pamac-build-sebastian/pyside2/pkg/python-shiboken2/usr/lib/cmake/Shiboken2-5.15.16/Shiboken2Config.cpython-312-x86_64-linux-gnu.cmake
-- Installing: /var/tmp/pamac-build-sebastian/pyside2/pkg/python-shiboken2/usr/lib/cmake/Shiboken2-5.15.16/Shiboken2ConfigVersion.cmake
-- Installing: /var/tmp/pamac-build-sebastian/pyside2/pkg/python-shiboken2/usr/lib/cmake/Shiboken2-5.15.16/shiboken_helpers.cmake
-- Installing: /var/tmp/pamac-build-sebastian/pyside2/pkg/python-shiboken2/usr/lib/pkgconfig/shiboken2.pc
***** Exception while trying to prepare bdist_wheel override class: cannot import name 'safer_name' from 'wheel.bdist_wheel' (/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/wheel/ Skipping wheel overriding.
running egg_info
creating shiboken2.egg-info
writing shiboken2.egg-info/PKG-INFO
writing dependency_links to shiboken2.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
writing top-level names to shiboken2.egg-info/top_level.txt
writing manifest file 'shiboken2.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
reading manifest file 'shiboken2.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
adding license file 'LICENSE.COMMERCIAL'
adding license file 'LICENSE.FDL'
adding license file 'LICENSE.GPL2'
adding license file 'LICENSE.GPLv3'
adding license file 'LICENSE.GPLv3-EXCEPT'
adding license file 'LICENSE.LGPLv3'
writing manifest file 'shiboken2.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
***** Exception while trying to prepare bdist_wheel override class: cannot import name 'safer_name' from 'wheel.bdist_wheel' (/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/wheel/ Skipping wheel overriding.
==> Depurando la instalación...
  -> Quitando los archivos libtool...
  -> Purgando los archivos innecesarios...
  -> Quitando los archivos de las bibliotecas estáticas...
  -> Despojando los símbolos innecesarios de los binarios y de las bibliotecas...
  -> Comprimiendo las páginas del manual y de información...
==> Buscando problemas de empaquetado...
==> ADVERTENCIA: El paquete contiene referencias a $srcdir
==> Creando el paquete «python-shiboken2»...
  -> Generando el archivo .PKGINFO...
  -> Generando el archivo .BUILDINFO...
  -> Generando el archivo .MTREE...
  -> Comprimiendo el paquete...
==> Abandonando el entorno fakeroot.
==> Compilación terminada: pyside2 5.15.16-1 (mar 24 dic 2024 14:12:48)
==> Limpiando...

Verificando claves en la base de datos...
Verificando la integridad de los paquetes...
Cargando archivos de paquetes...
Verificando conflictos entre paquetes...
Comprobando espacio disponible en el disco...
==> skipping timeshift-autosnap due skipRsyncAutosnap in /etc/timeshift-autosnap.conf set to TRUE.
Reinstalando python-shiboken2 (5.15.16-1)...
Ejecutando rutinas post-operación...
Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
Refreshing PackageKit...
Actualizando app/ca._0ldsk00l.Nestopia/x86_64/stable
Descargando: 928,0 kB/923,4 kB (928,0 kB/s)
1 delta parts, 3 loose fetched; 906 KiB transferred in 1 seconds
Operación finalizada con éxito.

What should I do?

Thanks and merry christmas.

Did you already try to update in terminal or console ?

This may help because you will see the errormessages, and can copy them for us to see them.

Did you already try to update with

sudo pacman -Syu ?

Sometimes the update works better with pacman in terminal.

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Do you actually need python-shiboken2 or is it just a deprecated package you still have?


packagekit should not be used on Arch or Manjaro.

Running that commad says the system is already updated.

    ~  sudo pacman -Syyu                                                                                                                                                                                  ✔ 
[sudo] contraseña para sebastian: 
:: Sincronizando las bases de datos de los paquetes...
 core                                                                                              139,2 KiB   449 KiB/s 00:00 [############################################################################] 100%
 extra                                                                                               8,1 MiB  9,77 MiB/s 00:01 [############################################################################] 100%
 multilib                                                                                          143,2 KiB   489 KiB/s 00:00 [############################################################################] 100%
:: Iniciando actualización completa del sistema...
advertencia: plymouth: la versión instalada (24.004.60-6) es más nueva que extra (22.02.122-18)
 ...el sistema ya está actualizado.

I don’t know what it is.

Do you have Plymouth installed from the AUR? Or were you on Unstable branch and have since moved back to Stable branch?

To see if it is a required dependency of any package, just run the command:

pacman -Qi python-shiboken2

If it isn’t required by anything, then remove it:

sudo pacman -R python-shiboken2

python-shiboken2 package is a custom AUR build.

You will need to rebuild the package depending on python-shiboken2.

From the output below it appears the package has been demoted to AUR on April 16. 2024 and part of pyside2.

 $ pamac info python-shiboken2
Name                  : python-shiboken2
Package Base          : pyside2
First Submitted       : tir 16 apr 2024 09:05:53 CEST
Last Modified         : tor 09 maj 2024 16:32:00 CEST
Votes                 : 11
Out of Date           : ons 31 jul 2024 22:52:43 CEST

Most people have it from an unmaintained (usually plasma) system.
(It used to be in the repos.)

Thats why the first question is … ‘do you really need it?’

    ~  pacman -Qi python-shiboken2                                                                                                                                                                        ✔ 
Nombre                    : python-shiboken2
Versión                   : 5.15.16-1
Descripción               : Python bindings for shiboken2
Arquitectura              : x86_64
URL                       :
Licencias                 : LGPL-3.0-or-later
Grupos                    : Nada
Provee                    : Nada
Depende de                : python
Dependencias opcionales   : Nada
Exigido por               : Nada
Opcional para             : Nada
En conflicto con          : Nada
Remplaza a                : Nada
Tamaño de la instalación  : 467,41 KiB
Encargado                 : Unknown Packager
Fecha de creación         : mar 24 dic 2024 13:57:33
Fecha de instalación      : mar 24 dic 2024 14:13:08
Motivo de la instalación  : Instalado como dependencia de otro paquete
Guion de instalación      : No
Validado por              : Nada

It says it is a dependency of python.
Is it safe to remove?

Yes - it is safe to remove as it is not a required dependency of anything.

1 Like

Thank you.

1 Like

And, as it was an orphan

It would have been listed with them;

pacman -Qdt

And would have been removed with them;

sudo pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qdtq)

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