P4v aur breaks Flameshot from official repo

Running Manjaro 21.0.7 with Budgie.

Installing the p4v AUR package (p4v 2021.1.2125979-1) breaks Flameshot from official repos.
Launching from Budgie causes the selection to stop working intermittently, i.e. sometimes works, most of the time it just opens Flameshot but mouse click/drag does nothing and ESC is the only way out.

Running flameshot from command line just errors out (return status 127):
flameshot: symbol lookup error: /usr/share/p4v/lib/plugins/iconengines/libqsvgicon.so: undefined symbol: _ZdlPvm, version Qt_5

That’s provided by qt5-svg which is a dependency of flameshot. Flameshot should be looking for /usr/lib/qt/plugins/iconengines/libqsvgicon.so, not anywhere else. p4v ships with it’s own static libraries that only it should be using. I would report the issue upstream.