Openconnect NetworkManager change preselected authentication method

I’m using openconnect through NetworkManager to connect to my company’s VPN.
Upon first connection to the VPN, a selection menu appeard where I was able select how to authenticate…passwort, smartcard, sso… where I initially selected SSO. Now I want to switch to another authentication method, however SSO seems to be preselected and whenever I try to start the VPN, it directly takes me to the SSO site without asking. Thus this selection seems to be stored somewhere maybe in a cookie? Does anybody know where this information is stored? The according VPN.nmconnection doesn’t contain according insformation.


Hello @honky-tonk :wink:

Not sure, but most likely in gnome-keyrings, since networkmanager-openvpn uses libsecret? Start seahorse and take a look there. It is a GUI for the password store.

Is it openconnect or OpenVPN?

Usually, the best option would be to remove the connection and add it again with the other setting.

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@megavolt gnome keyring doesn’t have an according entry

@mithrial the config says

→ so openconnect. I’ll give it a try with deleting let’s see.

OpenVPN is not OpenConnect. Change the title to reflect your issue.

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@mithrial deleted and readding lets select new authentification. thanks, but also very uncomfortable for switching several times.

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