Openastro rebuild failed

I updated Manjaro, rebooted, updated the AUR packages, rebuilded python

$ pamac build $(pacman -Qoq /usr/lib/python3.10)

than I followed the ‘Minimal short version’ of that guide ‘Reinstall non-working Python packages after a Python interpreter upgrade
and everything went smooth except openastro (AUR package) popped up by checkrebuild. as well as by pip check.

Lenlux provided a link for a pkg.tar.zst package on that side,
which I downloaded and installed by

$ sudo pacman -U /home/space/Downloads/openastro-1.1.57-4-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst

about half a year ago and it worked fine until now!

I reinstalled it by

$ sudo pacman -U /home/space/Downloads/openastro-1.1.57-4-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst

but still, it doesn’t work!
when I print

$ pacman -Qoq /usr/lib/python3.10/

it is the only one still there.
What I have to do now?

When I run it by the terminal, the output is

$ openastro
/usr/bin/openastro:1892: SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
/usr/bin/openastro:4813: SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
  if openAstro.aspects[i]['visible'] is 1:
/usr/bin/openastro:4817: SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
  if openAstro.aspects[i]['visible_grid'] is 1:
/usr/bin/openastro:4922: SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
  if i is 11 or i is 13 or i is 14 or i is 21 or i is 22:
/usr/bin/openastro:4925: SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
  if i is 23 or i is 27:
  if openAstro.planets[i]['visible'] is 1:
/usr/bin/openastro:4954: SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
  if openAstro.planets[i]['visible_aspect_line'] is 1:
/usr/bin/openastro:4959: SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
  if openAstro.planets[i]['visible_aspect_grid'] is 1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/openastro", line 45, in <module>
    from openastromod import zonetab, geoname, importfile, dignities, swiss as ephemeris
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'openastromod'

Moderator edit: In the future, please use proper formatting: [HowTo] Post command output and file content as formatted text

Well you arent building it…
You keep reinstalling one that was built 6 months ago with python 3.10 …
You need to build it again, example manual :

git clone
cd openastro
makepkg -sric

Or with an aur helper:

paru -Sa openastro --rebuild all

I fixed your formatting. Please see [HowTo] Post command output and file content as formatted text and and use it in the future.

Did you happen to notice his comment was from last November? :thinking: :wink:

Rebuild openastro just like every other Python AUR package.

Please look at the AUR link.
The last AUR version doesn’t work, that’s why Lenlux provides a pkg.tar.zst download link, which I installed as described.

That doesn’t work, cause

makepkg -sric
==> Making package: openastro 1.1.57-4 (Mo 12 Jun 2023 22:44:51 CEST)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found openastro.org_1.1.57.orig.tar.gz
  -> Found
  -> Found sqlite.patch
  -> Found swiss.patch
==> Validating source files with md5sums...
    openastro.org_1.1.57.orig.tar.gz ... FAILED ... FAILED
    sqlite.patch ... Passed
    swiss.patch ... Passed
==> ERROR: One or more files did not pass the validity check!

Is there a way to rebuild it from a pkg.tar.zst file.
That was the only way it worked till the last Manjaro update with python 3.11
Any suggestion?

Common occurrence. You can update the pkgbuild with the sums like


Please familiarize yourself with the AUR if you intend to use it.

Arch User Repository - Manjaro

Arch User Repository - ArchWiki

Well, then it doesn’t work. Either way, it still needs to be built with Python 3.11, that’s why the link to the precompiled package doesn’t work because it was built with Python 3.10.

I’m not going down the rabbit hole to find out why that package isn’t working, sorry. There’s probably three other dependencies that aren’t packaged correctly, either. Been there. Done that. No, thanks.

You are responsible for maintaining your own AUR packages.

Sorry, but what is the command than?


You use that command to update the sums.
Then build again.

==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found openastro.org_1.1.57.orig.tar.gz
  -> Found
  -> Found sqlite.patch
  -> Found swiss.patch
==> Generating checksums for source files...

but than

makepkg -sric
==> Making package: openastro 1.1.57-4 (Mo 12 Jun 2023 23:08:41 CEST)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found openastro.org_1.1.57.orig.tar.gz
  -> Found
  -> Found sqlite.patch
  -> Found swiss.patch
==> Validating source files with md5sums...
    openastro.org_1.1.57.orig.tar.gz ... Passed ... Passed
    sqlite.patch ... Passed
    swiss.patch ... Passed
==> Extracting sources...
==> Starting prepare()...
/home/user/openastro/openastro/PKGBUILD: line 26: cd: /home/user/openastro/openastro/src/ No such file or directory
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in prepare().

Can you advice me again, please.

Seems a problem in the PKGBUILD :person_shrugging:

Yes, the upstream is broken, that’s why this guy called Lenlux provided a link for a pkg.tar.zst package to download.
Is it possible to build the openastro-1.1.57-4-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst file against python3.11?
My relative wants that package back working and I stand against the wall for recommending a rolling release. My Linux knowledge is limited.

I wouldn’t even mind to pay for someones effort.
Is there any solution?

A .pkg.tar.zst is a precompiled package, it’s already built. Does not compute.


Yes–once the packaging issue is resolved as already mentioned.

It kinda seems like the project is abandoned.
The upstream URL is some form of dead.

Yes, the upstream is dead.
Does anyone have those files needed to rebuild it?

Indeed. Kicking a dead horse isn’t going to make it get up again. :wink:

To survive my relative’s anger, I have to get that Openastro working again!
Searching the internet, I found on

an archive


Can someone please advice me how to handle that archive and install it on Manjaro.
Is it possible to build it against the current version of python 3.11?
Unfortunately my Linux knowledge is still quite limited.

Tell your relative to install Ubuntu then if there is a package available.

I’m done here unless you actually want to learn something.

Sure we both can learn something here, about Linux and how to handle emotions!

You have ignored everything anyone here has tried to tell you and insisted on what you think should be done. How are you learning anything?

I’ve never ever build/packages something.
A lack of knowledge isn’t something to be sorry about, but arrogance is!
It’s a community and you are not the the only one here!
I’ve never been rude or arrogant here, so what!