Hello, After changing my motherboard (and CPU + GPU, because laptop). My system ran just as before except for 1 change. On boot “Checking Media” message appeared on the black screen for ~2-3 seconds and then the Lenovo logo will appear and then the system will boot and work just as before, there were no problems.
What I regret is my decision to do something about the message, I searched it up and followed this superuser post (https://superuser.com/questions/1313643/checking-media-fail-before-booting-the-os). I run the command sudo bootctl install and then after restart my computer.
To my horror, now, not only that message stayed but more importantly, IT DOESN’T BOOT nomore. And I get the below screen.
well they are “kind” but there are differences under the hood and yes maybe there is a workaround but i doubt that it is worth to spend the time evaluating it. this is sort of worst case when a new install is the way that keeps your blood-pressure in life-safe regions.
is there any other way than os reinstall. a way where everything stays the same. just like before? because all the reinstall would mean i would have to reinstall, configure, personalize, install all my softwares, transfer data etc. and I have exams coming up.
Were you using systemd-boot before or you just run whatever you see?
Anyhow, you need to manually create boot entries for systemd-boot to work. When you do that, it’s 10x simpler and easier than GRUB.
So the best way for me to go about will be to enter live environment of the manjaro through pendrive and back up my data.
Then, try to restore grub. If it doesn’t work, reinstallation would be my only option. Right?
Also, how do I excecute the data backup through the live environment?
I started the manjaro live-iso environment and first backed up my files on another pendrive for safety (files showed up as root device on the file explorer itself).
Then in the terminal, ran su manjaro-chroot -a bootctl remove pacman -Syyuu grub grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=manjaro --recheck grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg exit exit exit