Onboard on-screen keyboard

after updating toward Manjaro Winesdey (linux69), onboard on-screen keyboard not working.
Any virtual keyboard other than Florence and onboard ?
there is a system virtual keyboard that appears only at the welcome screen how to launch it in order to use it everywhere ?

thanks in advance

I cannot be sure - but I think the question has been up before - Search results for 'plasma on-screen keyboard' - Manjaro Linux Forum

I believe you may need to use some of the Plasma mobile packages - as Plasma Mobile can pop up the keyboard when it is needed.

If I recall this - there may versions with work with X11 but not with Wayland.

I remember years back I used an IdeaPad Miix 700 a tablet with detachable keyboard - it worked best with Gnome

Yeah, but I guess the point is that Onboard stopped working on Arch since last updates.
Good to know that it’s not some weird configuration on my side that broke it!
It is an important app for me too btw.

I only found Kvkbd(from the AUR) coming close to the functions I need.
Floating window, black theme and always on top if needed.

But it’s still not as good as Onboard

Hooray I found a solution that works at least for me with Onboard

I was following the steps in the last post here:

which says something like 'open terminal and type ‘onboard-settings’ then ->keyboard ->advanced ->Input Options->Input event source: switch to GTK

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Can confirm the fix, switching to GTK resolved the Segmentation fault onboard was giving since last update.


Even though that fixes the seg fault this work-around is somewhat flawed for me since it introduces a new issue with special characters from the small key-long-press menu not being inserted. This has worked when using XInput as import event source. Anyone sharing this experience?

Checking on their bug tracker page it seems the project has been abandoned, the last reply is 5 years old.