Okular reader turns to light theme after the update

I read your Topic with great interest because all gtk users will cross this bridge. Although I use Xfce, this should work in GNOME. I used okular to verify the options below. A side note, I’m a former kde user, and have found evince an acceptable alternative, although I really miss the traditional window layout.

I use number 2 below. I select the theme in kvantum and change attributes like font in qt5ct.

Just double-checking, is okular installed from the package repositories or flatpak?


  1. qt5ct only - themes like matcha
    edit: nano ~/.profile
    add: export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="qt5ct" # gnome, qt5ct, kvantum

  2. qt5ct + kvantum to get the themes
    edit: nano ~/.profile
    add: export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="qt5ct" # gnome, qt5ct, kvantum
    execute: qt5ct
    change: Style: kvantum

  3. qgnomeplateform-qt5 + kvantum
    edit: nano ~/.profile
    add: export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="gnome" # gnome, qt5ct, kvantum
    add: export QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE="kvantum"
    NOTE: According to this Manjaro Topic this is the default setup for GNOME.

  4. qgnomeplateform only adwaita themes
    edit: nano ~/.profile
    add: export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="gnome" # gnome, qt5ct, kvantum


  • If you do not recall what .profile contained initially, check /etc/skel/.profile
