@SLG2 Hi and welcome to the Forum
Help others to help you better by:
- Providing system info about your hardware by posting program output instead of describing your hardware.
- Use new lines when a sentence ends, so it is better readable and followable by others.
- If english is not your native language please see:
English [HowTo] Become multi-language on internet
Türkçe [Nasıl] İnternette çok dilli olun
Deutsch [Wie man] Werden Sie im Internet mehrsprachig
Français [Comment] Devenir multilingue sur internet
Española [Cómo] Conviértete en multilenguaje en Internet
中文 [如何] 成为互联网上的多语言
Italiana [Come] Diventa multilingua su internet
русский язык [Как] Стать многоязычным в Интернете
Please read and follow all advice in this thread:
A keylogger does not slowdown your PC in anyway, it is your machine that is too weak to handle stuff…
People might be able to optimize some stuff for you IF you post your hardware info…