Nvidia GeForce 210 Manjaro 21

Hello All! I have a Nvidia GeForce 210 graphics card. I have been going around from one forum to another to see if I can get the proprietary drivers installed for it. Seems 340 or 390 (ubuntu based) however I haven’t found a solid answer.

I have read that the kernels after 5.7 dropped support but I couldn’t confirm this definitively.

So I have a question: I am using Stable Manjaro KDE downloaded today, running Kernel 5.10, wanting to either

  1. Download and install proprietary Drivers for the nvidia card I have.
  2. Downgrade the kernel to a kernel supporting the older/legacy drivers of NVIDIA.

Any output you need, please let me know.

there is this tutorial

warning :** no warrantly to works on any update ( mesa , xorg , wayland , vulkan )**

Thank you entirely for this. When I have time tonight I will give this a shot and see what results come of it and let you all know here.