Nvidia-450xx-utils and nvidia-440xx-utils are in conflict

To sum up (I think):

  • I installed Kernal 5.8.6 using System Settings > Kernel
  • I edited Grub: sudo nano /etc/default/grub and changed GRUB_TIMEOUT from 0 to: GRUB_TIMEOUT=10 (may not be an issue for you if you get Grub Menu already.)
  • I ran sudo update-grub and rebooted.
  • I hit the Shift key (and tried F8 while at it but, it may have just went straight there, not sure which) to get the Grub menu.
  • I choose a menu option (but forget which) and selected Kernel 5.8.6.
  • I ran the following command to remove the 440xx: sudo pacman -R linux54-nvidia-440xx nvidia-440xx-utils linux58-nvidia-440xx cuda nvtop
  • I installed video-nvidia-450xx using System Settings > Hardware Configuration ( https://imgur.com/a/zPptvAI)
  • I uninstalled video-nvidiea-440xx while there.
  • Updated using Pamac, now with no conflicts.

Aside: I’m in the process of reinstalling cuda using Pamac, this for Blender’s sake and I left nvtop uninstalled, as I don’t use it.

Thanks for your help everyone!