Since today’s update, I have an issue with my wifi dongle, a Realtek rtl88x2bu. It does not work at all with the new kernel.
The problem is, I can’t reinstall the AUR package since my internet isn’t connected. With the older kernel version, I do have access to internet, but some other software stopped working (Steam crashes during the update boot phase). I would like to install the AUR package driver for 88x2bu and then I’ll see what other errors I get.
Looking through lsmod, there is no trace of the driver’s module. Since I’m not very tech savy, I’d like to know if I can use my old kernel internet connection to install the driver on the new kernel.
The github page of the driver mentions a command for that:
make KSRC=/lib/modules/YOUR_KERNEL_VERSION/build
but it is unclear to me what steps I should follow first… Again, sorry for being a complete noob, I always felt like walking into a wall of brick each time I had to build anything so far.
I guess the first step should be to git clone the file somewhere. I did it without any other options and now I have the directory in my home system. Then what would be the next step?