Nonfree nivdia driver stopped working after update

After i updated my system today and rebooted (as suggested) my nvidia gpu with the proprietary stopped working. I could still access tty and removed the driver and switched to the free version.
I could successfully boot my system again with gui and tried to setup the proprietary driver again using mhwd but had the same result again.

I tried to investigate this further and found the following using journalctrl:

Jul 14 10:09:41 GNOME systemd-modules-load[351]: Failed to insert module 'nvidia': Exec format error
Jul 14 10:09:41 GNOME kernel: nvidia: version magic '5.15.53-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '5.15.50-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
Jul 14 10:09:41 GNOME kernel: nvidia: version magic '5.15.53-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '5.15.50-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
Jul 14 10:09:42 GNOME systemd-modules-load[351]: Failed to insert module 'nvidia_drm': Exec format error
Jul 14 10:09:42 GNOME kernel: nvidia: version magic '5.15.53-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '5.15.50-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
Jul 14 10:09:42 GNOME kernel: nvidia: version magic '5.15.53-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '5.15.50-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
Jul 14 10:09:42 GNOME systemd-modules-load[351]: Failed to insert module 'nvidia_uvm': Exec format error
Jul 14 10:09:42 GNOME kernel: nvidia: version magic '5.15.53-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload ' should be '5.15.50-1-MANJARO SMP preempt mod_unload '
Jul 14 10:09:42 GNOME systemd[1]: Failed to start Load Kernel Modules.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-modules-load.service has failed
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit systemd-modules-load.service has finished with a failure.
░░ The job identifier is 27 and the job result is failed.

Im no linux expert but it looks like the driver wont load because it expects 5.15.53, tho the latest kernel is only 5.15.50.

uname -a returns:
Linux GNOME 5.15.50-1-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Jun 26 07:06:30 UTC 2022 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Anyone experiencing similiar issues after updating and maybe have a solution?
I can live with the nouveau drivers for now but this is obviously no solution.

You got into a partial update, used an outdated mirror. Run from terminal

sudo pacman-mirrors -f5 && sudo pacman -Syyu

And see if that helps.
When you reboot you should have the 5.15.53 if you are on the stable branch. Then reinstall the proprietary drivers.

Thank you very much for the quick reply.
That was indeed the issue and i just noticed some errors regarding mirrors not being available after i tried this again before i read your post.

After Updating the mirrors and then the system i could successfully install the nvidia driver again and everything works fiune.


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