Nodejs conflict during update

Hi, I have an error during update:

    ~  sudo pacman -Syyu                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            1 ✘  at 13:29:06  
[sudo] hasło użytkownika swistak: 
:: Synchronizowanie baz danych z pakietami…
 core                                                                                                                                                                                                     138,5 KiB   420 KiB/s 00:00 [#################################################################################################################################################] 100%
 extra                                                                                                                                                                                                      8,1 MiB  30,4 MiB/s 00:00 [#################################################################################################################################################] 100%
 community                                                                                                                                                                                                 29,0   B   725   B/s 00:00 [#################################################################################################################################################] 100%
 multilib                                                                                                                                                                                                 143,0 KiB  2,33 MiB/s 00:00 [#################################################################################################################################################] 100%
:: Rozpoczynanie pełnej aktualizacji systemu…
:: Zastąpić gnome-latex przez extra/enter-tex? [T/n] 
:: Zastąpić python-nautilus przez extra/nautilus-python? [T/n] 
:: Zastąpić tracker3 przez extra/tinysparql? [T/n] 
:: Zastąpić tracker3-miners przez extra/localsearch? [T/n] 
rozwiązywanie zależności…
szukanie sprzecznych pakietów...
błąd:  odkryto nierozwiązywalne konflikty pakietów
błąd:  nie udało się przygotować transakcji (konfliktujące zależności)
:: nodejs-lts-hydrogen-18.20.5-1 and nodejs-lts-iron-20.18.0-1 are in conflict

how to solve this?

This will output the command in English:

LC_ALL=C sudo pacman -Syu

Please only use one (1) y when performing an update.

However, this seems to be a conflict between nodejs versions; you might try:

sudo pacman -Rns nodejs-lts-hydrogen

and then trying the update again.

Note that I have moved this to a new topic for you in case further assistance is needed.


This repository has been dropped many, many, many months ago. Which suggests you’ve been neglecting your .pacnew files, which means you’ve been a naughty boy!

See below about handling your .pacnew files. I do not know what the issue is, but this might even resolve or help resolve it.

1 Like

It can’t be removed like that as something installed depends on some version of nodejs. Only one version be installed at a time. All three provide it:

extra/nodejs 23.3.0-1
    Evented I/O for V8 javascript
extra/nodejs-lts-hydrogen 18.20.5-1
    Evented I/O for V8 javascript (LTS release: Hydrogen)
extra/nodejs-lts-iron 20.18.1-1
    Evented I/O for V8 javascript (LTS release: Iron)

I wouldn’t be surprised if it was an AUR package that is causing the conflict.

@pawel What depends on it?

pacman -Qi nodejs | grep 'Required By\|Optional For'

I don’t remember to do that, to mess in repo pacnew files or smth. How can fix it?

I gave you two links on how to do it.

    ~  LC_ALL=C sudo pacman -Qi nodejs | grep 'Required By\|Optional For'                                              1|1 ✘  at 09:48:35  
Required By     : alacritty-themes  grunt-cli  node-gyp  nodejs-nativefier  nodejs-nopt  npm  semver  tabby-bin  web-ext  yarn
Optional For    : None

To resolve the conflict you need to remove either:

Try removing the former - as @soundofthunder said.

nodejs-nativefier is an AUR package
alacritty-themes is an AUR package
tabby-bin is an AUR package

If one nodejs-lts-xyz version can’t be removed because one or all of the above depend on it,
remove those - and then nodejs-lts-hydrogen as well.

You have got this the wrong way around - you need to “mess with it”.

You need to merge these .pacnew files - incorporate the changes into the corresponding configuration files.
It’s something you did not do - but need to.