"no such cryptodisk found" error without breaking boot-up ?!

I’d tried everything people suggested in many places, and only one thing worked, but I’m pretty sure it’ll be temporary (until grub is updated):

Mentioned in [Stable Update] 2023-03-31 - Kernels, Plasma 5.27 LTS, Pamac, Phosh, Mesa, LibreOffice:

Changing those 5 lines (with the cryptomount -u command) worked for me, as long as I don’t run sudo update-grub, because that will put back the malformed UUIDs.

Hopefully that will help others and potentially help fix this issue permanently (remove the dashes automatically for encrypted filesystems in the 'cryptomount -ucommand when building the/boot/grub/grub.cfg` file)? Where should I add this information for the involved developers to see?