No manual entry for xxx

man command not work command like man xxx will always get the no manual entry.
man-db man-pages installed .

So how to solve it?


All things always?


man pacman


man man

Do you have certain localization settings? Like language?
If yes, also the accompanying package man-pages-[xx] (ex: man-pages-de for German)?

More info may also be found with

man -d

How about the output from

systemctl status man-db.{timer,service}
1 Like
╰─❯ man pacman                                                                                   ─╯
No manual entry for pacman

╭─ ~                                                                                    ✘ 16 ─╮
╰─❯ man -d                                                                                       ─╯
ruid=1000, euid=1000
rgid=1001, egid=1001
From the config file /etc/man_db.conf:
  Mandatory mandir `/usr/man'.
  Mandatory mandir `/usr/share/man'.
  Mandatory mandir `/usr/local/share/man'.
  Path `/bin' mapped to mandir `/usr/share/man'.
  Path `/usr/bin' mapped to mandir `/usr/share/man'.
  Path `/sbin' mapped to mandir `/usr/share/man'.
  Path `/usr/sbin' mapped to mandir `/usr/share/man'.
  Path `/usr/local/bin' mapped to mandir `/usr/local/man'.
  Path `/usr/local/bin' mapped to mandir `/usr/local/share/man'.
  Path `/usr/local/sbin' mapped to mandir `/usr/local/man'.
  Path `/usr/local/sbin' mapped to mandir `/usr/local/share/man'.
  Path `/usr/X11R6/bin' mapped to mandir `/usr/X11R6/man'.
  Path `/usr/bin/X11' mapped to mandir `/usr/X11R6/man'.
  Path `/usr/games' mapped to mandir `/usr/share/man'.
  Path `/opt/bin' mapped to mandir `/opt/man'.
  Path `/opt/sbin' mapped to mandir `/opt/man'.
  Global mandir `/usr/man', catdir `/var/cache/man/fsstnd'.
  Global mandir `/usr/share/man', catdir `/var/cache/man'.
  Global mandir `/usr/local/man', catdir `/var/cache/man/oldlocal'.
  Global mandir `/usr/local/share/man', catdir `/var/cache/man/local'.
  Global mandir `/usr/X11R6/man', catdir `/var/cache/man/X11R6'.
  Global mandir `/opt/man', catdir `/var/cache/man/opt'.
  Global mandir `/var/lib/snapd/snap/man', catdir `/var/cache/man/snap'.
  Added sections: `1', `1p', `n', `l', `8', `3', `3p', `0', `0p', `2', `3type', `5', `4', `9', `6', `7'.
is a tty
using less as pager
What manual page do you want?
For example, try 'man man'.

Same with pacman and man.
Seems not related to localization. not installed

● man-db.timer - Daily man-db regeneration
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/man-db.timer; disabled; preset: disabled)
     Active: active (waiting) since Sat 2024-04-13 09:39:31 CST; 1h 40min ago
    Trigger: Sat 2024-04-13 13:10:24 CST; 1h 50min left
   Triggers: ● man-db.service
       Docs: man:mandb(8)

Apr 13 09:39:31 ori systemd[1]: Started Daily man-db regeneration.

○ man-db.service - Daily man-db regeneration
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/man-db.service; static)
     Active: inactive (dead)
TriggeredBy: ● man-db.timer
       Docs: man:mandb(8)

According to the Arch wiki:

The search feature is provided by a dedicated cache. By default, maintenance of that cache is handled by man-db.service which gets periodically triggered by man-db.timer. If you are getting a “nothing appropriate” message for every search, try manually regenerating the cache by running mandb as root.

I’m not entirely certain about this, so you may want to wait for advice from others, but you could either wait 1h 50min for the timer to trigger, or just run sudo mandb

After run command sudo mandb

Processing manual pages under /usr/local/man...
80 man subdirectories contained newer manual pages.
30898 manual pages were added.
0 stray cats were added.
0 old database entries were purged

It shows that many pages added. But still not work.