No LTS kernel was installed when using manjaro architect

as above

some notes/info

  1. I am using the latest stable manjaro gnome minimal ISO to run architect
  2. I selected linux-lts but no kernels were installed. I confirmed this by listing the files inside /boot
  3. I selected linux510 and linux510 was installed. I can see the 510 kernel in /boot

Any ideas what I could be doing wrong? Or maybe this is a bug in architect?

yes, 1. you are not using the latest stable manjaro gnome minimal ISO to run architect, because architect isn’t included in the latest stable manjaro gnome minimal ISO :man_shrugging:


I can install architect manually though.

As far as I know, Architect is in hold and not supported anymore for lack of time regarding its maintenance. I think it has been retired for now due to critical bugs that can lead to disastrous issue, I think I read unwanted disk format, things like that. Don’t take what I say for truth, do your research but I think Architect unfortunately is kinda dead at this point. It doesn’t mean it can not work. But for sure there are issues in it at this point in time and is officially not distributed as a way of installation.

//EDIT: Maintainer(s) wanted