No GUI upon boot, can only login at CLI

Hello all. This is my first post so I will do my best to describe the issue correctly.

A number of months ago, my relatives gifted me a Pinebook 64 Pro device. None of us are familiar with Linux so it was meant to be a joint learning experience.

Upon first power-up, I fumbled my way through the setup options and made it to the GUI desktop. Thinking that you would handle it like a traditional Windows system (I know, I know, shame me later), I began searching through options to update the software (they’re called Packages here?).

Unfortunately, I didn’t know what I was even looking for and made a change in such a way that when I turned the device off and on again, there was no GUI anymore. I was stuck at a CLI, and have been ever since. Not knowing anything about working with Linux kernels, I am unsure of how to even proceed with troubleshooting the issue.

I am not sure what information the community needs to start, as all I can do is run commands, but any help would be greatly appreciated. I feel quite foolish for ruining my experience with Linux so early on without even knowing what exactly what I did. I have searched the forum here for my issue but again, most of the lingo used here might as well be in a different language. :confused:

I hope, you have written down what you changed, so someone can help you to reverse it. (But i do know nothing about phinebook, so you need to wait for someone. But this will give you time to remember what you did change :wink: )

I absolutely did not write down what I changed at the time, because I didn’t expect it to break the system :skull:

But yes, I will definitely scribble down any future modifications I make to the package directory :white_check_mark: