No boot into GUI or command prompt

No boot into GUI or command prompt.

Only the power button works after booting live system: The latest Manjaro ISO version 24.2 cannot be booted on ACER Aspire 7741G with intel i3-370M and Radeon HD5470. The screen remains black. Same problem with both XFCE and KDE version ISO files. Tried using both Rufus and Ventoy USB media. Manjaro version 24.1 boots fine. No problems with iso files of other distros.

Reïnstalled Manjaro from 24.1 ISO and all updates are applied. The used kernel is version 6.11.11-1.

Which one?

I’m currently downloading the Xfce4 variant.
I usually only use the minimal - not so in this case.

… I have got no problem with it.

On other (newer) hardware boot is ok.

I know.
I just tried and tested.

It usually works …
I have not seen it not working … :wink:

This kernel is EOL, install another one, soon. Afterwards, uninstall it to avoid issues when updating.

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Problem is over:

Not booting:
I was using the ISO files, offered by links at

At the Manjaro web site a newer file is offered: manjaro-kde-24.2.1-241216-linux612.iso

Obviously there is a bug in the 24.2.0-241208 files, which are still offered by the Distrowatch website.
The 24.2.1-241216 files are ok.

Please only download Manjaro ISO’s from the following address; unless instructed otherwise:

Always check an ISO for consistency - the checksum (SHA256) for each respective edition is available on the Download page.

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